save jackson

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         "Stiles when I said take us somewhere I meant somewhere within state." He sarcastically scoffed and glanced at me. "Jayla shut up, we haven't even been driving long." Turning my body towards him I nodded. "Right because half an hour isn't long." He nodded and took a few turns. "It isn't that long." A smile grew on my face as I watched him. When he drives without having to go somewhere urgently he's actually really calm.

          He gets a really serious look on his face, especially as he tries to find out a place to go. "Seriously Stiles? We leave school and you bring us t a comic book store?" He parked in the parking lot and shook his head. "No, it's a book store that also happens to sell comic books come on. And don't act like I haven't caught you reading some of my comics on multiple occasions."

          "Oh shut up that was one time and we were in seventh grade. I had a flash phase." He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand to pull my inside. "Uh-huh well I know you like reading so I know you'll like it. Now lets go." I nodded as he guided us inside and bee-lined to the comic area. "Stiles" He made me walk over to them with him as his eyes lit up. "Help me find one I don't have." I scoffed and nodded. "Yeah probably not going to happen you have like all of them."

         He glared at me and went to the other side to look through the shelves of comics they had. "Do you want a specific superhero or.."

        "No just any DC one you can find." I nodded even though the chances of him paying any attention to me while he was looking for a comic. He came up behind me and held out a book in front of me. "Do I have this one?" I turned to him and flinched at how close we were. "How am I supposed to know which ones you do and don't have Stiles." He sighed and shrugged. "I- I don't know just- do I?" Shaking my head I looked up at him. "No I don't think you do." He smiled and nodded. "Okay I'm gonna go buy this, stay right here."

       He patted my shoulder before running over to the checkout area. It's amazing how excited he gets over these things, the comics and the superheros, all of it. "Okay got it, want to go to the bookstore or have you finally realized that reading is boring?" When I jabbed his side with my elbow and shook my head. "No, it's not boring but I also don't need any new books." He nodded as he brought me outside and to the jeep. Once the door was closed my phone rang and I went to answer it but he pulled it out of my hands.

        "Nope, you decided to skip so both of our phones are going off." He shut off my phone along with his and threw them into the backseat. "What if Scott needs us?" He shrugged and tapped the steering wheel. "He ditched that one day earlier this year, we deserve a day off too alright?" I bit on my nail and nodded. "You're right. Why are you always right?" He shrugged and glanced at me. "I just have an eye for evil." He grinned at me which caused a smile back as I nodded. "Yeah you kinda do huh." 

        He didn't reply for a while as we just drove around enjoying the view of where we were. It was weird sitting in silence with Stiles, he was usually overly excited and talkative. Not much for a too serious atmosphere. "Okay it's too silent so who would win in a fight. Green Arrow or Flash."

      He glanced at me as he bit his lip. "Arrow." My mouth dropped as I shook my head. "No, no definitely not." His eyebrows shot up as he glanced at me, nodding. "Um, yes? The flash has no form of self defense just speed, Arrow has experience and actual weapons to kill people." I nodded and pulled my legs up to my chest and I faced him completely in the seat. "Okay yeah but flash goes so fast that Arrow wouldn't be able to see him, therefor giving flash the upper hand."

      Stiles shook his head. "If Arrow had good enough aim and enough time he could get flash." When he glanced at me I stuck my tongue out and shook my head. "Flash was able to stop a bullet from being shot into his neck and move away before the bullet did damage." Stiles groaned loudly as he flicked my arm. "You know what? I'm dropping it this conversation is ending, look yup ended." A light laugh left my lips as I gazed up at him. "Why are you my friend?" He shrugged and glanced back at me. 

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