into his mind

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                   Darkness is usually something that most kids are scared of. They ask their parents to check for monsters under their bed and in their closets. Some kids grow out of it, just like some kids never tremble at the idea of it. Others can live their entire lives, scared of the darkness around them and of course that's never fun. But then again, what is fun about living in darkness? You can't see, it's colder than in the light.

        Being around the nogitsune was like being in the dark for those who were afraid. Trembling, shivering and glancing over your shoulder. Making sure you were still safe. "Come on sweetheart. We have the chance to talk. Stiles tells me you're a great conversationalist." My eyes squinted as Void stood in front of me. "Don't talk about Stiles. And don't call me that."  

          He leaned toward me with his usual smirk on his face, "Well, sweetheart, I am him in the technical sense." I crossed my arms and glared up at him. "You're nothing like him. No matter how many people you kill, you're pathetic and you're weak, and that's never going to change." He narrowed his eyes, "Really Sweetheart? You really think so?" He spoke slowly, eerily calm, his tongue clicked as he stepped forward me, causing me to slightly step back. 

          "If I wanted you dead, I'd kill you in the blink of an eye." I felt his breath on my face as I stepped back once more. "No. No you wouldn't." Once more he stepped forward, pushing me closer to the wall of the abandoned building we were in. "Why not dove?" I sucked in air as I licked my lips. "Because he loves me. You're not going to kill me because Stiles, loves me." The smirk that played on his lips fell, his face pulled into an all out glare as he stepped forward, my back finally hitting the wall.

         "You think Stiles has any control? You think he can make any decisions? This is my game." His voice rose causing me to flinch. "Stiles please. I know you're there." His hand went up and wrapped around my neck causing my voice to freeze. "Shut up." Within two seconds he removed his hand and slapped me across the cheek, hard enough to make me drop to the floor. "He's here you know. He's begging me not to hurt you. He sounds just so delightfully tortured, screaming at me not to touch you. He really must love you; in all my years I've never heard someone this desperate, this torn up about losing someone."

          He stood over me, no clear emotion written on his face or showing in his eyes. Blood slid from my mouth as I pushed myself back away from him. "Oh come on now princess. Why do you look so afraid? Here. Use this." A shiny blade was dropped onto the floor next to me and I looked up quickly, seeing Stiles' face but not hearing his voice.

          "Use it for what?" I grabbed it and stood up slowly, making sure to put space between Void and myself. "If you're so scared of me, and want this to end, then use it. Kill me and I'll be out of your life. Only catch is that you lose your beloved Stiles." Shaking my head quickly I instantly dropped the sharp object in my hand. "No. I can't- I can't kill Stiles." He stepped forward, humming slightly.

                "Can't kill Stiles? Huh. Quite a love story isn't it? You love him. He acts like he loves you, but you know who he really loves? The red-head. What's her name again? Lydia?" My breath caught in my throat as I shook my head quickly. "No. He doesn't-" 

            "Oh he does, he has and always will. He'll never love you as much as her." Once more I shook my head. "You're lying." He stepped forward and leaned down to press a kiss to my cheek, coming up while keeping his cheek against mine. "That's the thing princess. I'm not lying. And while he prefers Lydia I like pretty little things with sharp tongues and honestly, brunettes are more my kind anyway."

         I don't know what it was but suddenly fear covered my body, causing me to screw my eyes shut at his words and close proximity. His breath sent chills down my spine and he brought his lips up my jaw and until he was standing in front of me. "Nogitsunes may feed off of chaos, strife and pain. But we also feed off other things. Such as pleasure." A harsher kiss was pressed onto my neck and I shook my head. 

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