the alpha's eyes

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No. No. Allison can not be here. Scott started panicking and I grabbed Stiles' phone from his pocket. "Call her." He nodded. "Yeah yeah." He dialed her number quickly and I stood next to Stiles as we waited for him. "No it's me, where are you?"

I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation so I just kept looking around us to make sure the alpha didn't find us. "Where. Where are you exactly?" I raised an eyebrow and Scott waved me off. "Go to the lobby. Go now." He hung up and gave Stiles his phone back before running to the lobby.

Stiles and I obviously were not as fast as him but we all made it there in one piece. "What are you doing here?" Allison looked at Scott confused. "Because you told me to." Scott shook his head. "I asked you to?"

Allison's eyes widened and I bit my lip. "Why do I have a feeling you didn't send that message." I stepped forward and looked around quickly. "Because he didn't, Uh did you drive here?" She shook her head. "No Jackson did."

My mouth fell. "Jackson's here too?!" She nodded sheepishly. "And Lydia." As she said that the iconic pair walked through a set of double doors into the room. "Finally. Can we go now?"

The moment she said that the ceiling above us creaked and my eyes widened. Once more my body froze just like when Derek got impaled. "Run!" I heard Scott's voice clearly but my body didn't react to the command.

"Come on McCall do you want to get killed?" A hand grabbed my own and pulled me as the group ran down the hall way. My eyes followed the hand holding mine up the arm and to the familiar face. Jackson. We found our way to the cafeteria and instantly Lydia, Scott, Allison and Jackson started barricading the door.

"Guys.." I looked at Stiles and he was looking at the wall of windows. "Guys uh hey guys." He tried again but nobody listened. They were mumbling to each other and shaking. "Stiles talking. Can we hang on one second, please?" I sighed and shook my head.

"Guys!" My voice was louder than I thought it would be but it got the four teenagers in front of me to stop moving. I gestured to Stiles and they averted their attention to him. "Hello! Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now - what should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows?"

I scrunched up my face and nodded. "Can somebody please tell me what's going on here because I'm freaking out here. Scott?" I bit my lip and looked at my brother before walking over to him. "Scott you don't have to-" He cut me off with his own voice.

"Somebody killed the janitor." I bit my lip and nodded slowly as Allison tried to deny it. "The janitor's dead?" Stiles nodded. "Yup." Allison looked at me with sad looking eyebrows. "What's he talking about? Is this a joke?"

"What, who killed him?" Lydia cowered behind Allison and I frowned. She brought up the mountain lion and Jackson snapped. "Don't you get it? There was never a mountain lion!"

I glared at Jackson and sighed. "Who was it? What does he want? What's happening? Scott!" Scott was leaning on a counter and I glanced over at him. "I - I don't know. I - I just - If - if we go out there, he's gonna kill us."

My eyes widened and I looked at Stiles. "Us? He's gonna kill us?" Scott nodded slowly and Allison timidly stepped forward. "Who? Who is it?"

"Derek. Derek Hale." My entire body spun to face Scott. You have got to be kidding me. He just put his only resource for the supernatural into a run in with the law. Again. Stiles looked at me, telling me not to say anything and I nodded.

Jackson, Lydia and Allison were confused. "Derek killed the janitor?" I faced the three shocked faces and Jackson was staring at me. Quickly, my eyes went to the ground and I started pacing back and forth as Scott kept piling up lies against Derek.

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