mom's got a date with the devil

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           I waited by the bleachers as everybody from the team went to the locker rooms. "Hey Jayla. Have you seen Stiles?" I shook my head. "No actually. Not since he went to the locker room." He nodded and glanced around the field. "So, do you want to come over for dinner?"

      I bit my lip and leaned on my left foot. "I can't actually." He raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Why not? It's not a bother." Quickly, I nodded and lightly blushed. "Yeah, I-I know but I kind of have a uh, a date." He raised both of his eyebrows and smiled lightly. "Oh yeah? With who?"

      My face dropped. Crap. He's going to be mad. No he's going to be beyond mad. He hates Jackson. "Um, it's-it's uh-" Before I could stutter out Jackson's name he had came up to me and put an arm around my shoulders. "Hey you ready?" 

      Stilinski looked back and forth between Jackson and I. My mouth tugged up in a slight smile and he let out a sigh.

        "You're the one going out with Jayla?" 

       Please don't be a dick please don't be a dick. 

      "Yes sir." I nearly choked on my spit and looked at Jackson. Did he really just call Stilinski sir? He never calls Stilinski sir. He cleared his throat and looked Jackson up and down. 

      "Oh, god." I let out a mumble but neither of them heard me.

      "Right, Well I'm not her dad or anything but I expect her to be home safely before ten."

        "Stilinski, it's already nine."

      He looked down at me and nodded. "Fine. Ten thirty. No later you hear me? And she better be clear of any scratches." Jackson nodded quickly. He seemed to have no want to be rung out by the sheriff.

    "Will do." I smiled slightly as Jackson put his hand on my back. "Well, we should get going. Bye Stilinski, tell Scott I'm going out if you see him. If not Stiles probably already did." 

       "Will do. Bye have fun." He realised what he said and I scrunched my face up. Not the idea I wanted in any of our minds at the beginning of the night. 

    "I know what you mean. Gotta go byyyyyyyyeeeeee." I pulled Jackson after me, and out of the house before Stilinski could say anything. So we were clear of awkward questions from parents for the rest of the night.

     "I am so sorry." I rushed out, my cheeks burning. He chuckled lightly and looked down at me. 

     He paused for a second before continuing, "It's okay. So, pizza and ice cream?" Immediately, a smile grew on my face and I nodded. 

     Two of my favorite things. "Sounds great. Um, just a preface. Lydia is okay with this right? I know your break up is still fresh, like... really fresh." I questioned before leaving the steps. The last thing I need to be is the girl Jackson Whittemore used to cheat on Lydia Martin.

     "Truthfully, she doesn't know. But she does know that we're completely broken up. So it's all good." He reached down and grabbed my hand as we walked to his car. "Promise." He let go to go to his side of the Porsche. I slid into my seat and he started the vehicle.


        "No you don't understand. Danny didn't talk to me for a week." I swallowed the bite of  pizza in my mouth and laughed. 

     "Aw Jacky didn't talk to his friend for a week. Tragic." I joked. He rolled his eyes at me and I stopped my laughing. He just stared at me for a couple seconds and then simultaneously we both started laughing.  

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