figure it out

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        "Get to the police station. Now." Stiles had called me and I sighed as I nodded. "Stiles, I'm not making him drive me there." A groan was heard as Chris glanced at me. "Where? I'll drop you off if you need." A smile spread across my lips as I sighed and nodded. "I'll be right there." When I hung up I looked at Allison's dad. After what happened at the hospital it seemed to have created a sort of agreeing platform.

        He saw how much I had cared about Allison who was in a way his only family aside from Gerard and as much as Chris disliked werewolves I knew how he went along. He went by their code. It was obvious that Gerard was just having fun and was ruthless what it came to werewolves now that his daughter had been killed by one. "So where to?" I leaned my head against the window and looked out of it. "Police station, please." He nodded. "Of course."

        You would think the situation would be more tense but he quietly drove to the station and let me out before driving away. A sigh left my mouth as I went inside and called out for Stiles. Scott came to the front and waved me over. "We figured it out." My eyebrow raised as I followed him into the back room. "Figured what out exactly?" We entered Stilinski's office and both of the Stilinski men were hunched over his deck with papers lying all over it.

         "Can somebody please fill me in?" Stiles nodded as he stood up straight. "Oh right yes of course. We know who the controller is." My eyes widened as I rushed over to the desk. "Who is it?" Stiles ran a hand over his hair before sighing deeply. "It's Matt." I nodded quickly. "So you were right? You said it was Matt like the first day." Stiles nodded and pointed both of his arms at me. "See? She gets it." Scott rolled his eyes as Stiles picked up the computer, facing it towards Scott and I. "Call your mom."

       My eyes focused on somebody talking to our mom and raised my eyebrow. "Why? She's just talking to somebody. What's the big deal?" Stiles pointed to the back of somebody's head. "That's Matt. Dad doesn't believe me so we'll just ask Melissa." I nodded and turned to Scott. "You heard him, call mom." Scott nodded as I walked over to check out what possible evidence Stiles had piled up. Stiles watched Scott as he called our mom and I stood next to Stilinski. 

      "Stiles believes that Matt used Harris' car to throw us off his tracks. If he did then he's at the site of three murders. Four if that is him that Melissa is talking to." I nodded and bit my lip as Scott hung up. "It was him." My eyes widened as we all exchanged glances. "She's coming now so we can make sure." 

       "All right, dad, if one's an incident, two's a coincidence, and three's a pattern, what's four?" Stilinski straightened his back as he looked at Stiles. "Four's enough for a warrant. Scott, call your mom back, see how quick she can get here. If I can get an official ID, I can get a search warrant. Jayla, go to the front desk. Tell them to let your mom in when she gets here." I nodded quickly and went to the front desk but when I got there nobody was standing there. Behind the desk my eyes caught sight of her on the floor, blood around her. Squatting down to get a better look I realized she didn't have her gun. "What the-" There was a click behind me and I slowly stood up turning around.

        My eyes were met with the end of a gun and the hand holding it belonged to none other than Matt himself. "Matt-" He shook his head. "Don't talk. Walk." I gulped and nodded, turning to walk down the hallway back to the room, knowing Matt was behind me with a gun pointed at the back of my head made my heart pound in my chest. When we got to the room all of the boys looked at me. Scott's eyes widened as he looked between the gun and me. 

     "Matt? It's Matt, right? Matt, whatever's going on, I guarantee you there's a solution that doesn't involve a gun." Stilinski held out his hands trying to talk Matt out of whatever it was his plan was. It's what cops do. Try to defuse the situation. "You know, it's funny you say that, because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are." Stilinski glanced at me as I ran my tongue over my lips. Scott was staring at me, a frown prominent on his face and his hands in his pockets. "I know you don't wanna hurt people."

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