13. Shopping

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Kendall's POV

I had a shower and did everything that I had to do and then got dressed into some of Peyton's clothes. Peyton and I were going shopping today so I could have some clothes and everything else that I needed.

Declan really wanted to come with us but Peyton told him off saying that this was a day for Peyton and I to "bond".

I was wearing a black skirt which was like high waisted and came to about mid thigh with grey ankle boots and a tight pink tank top. My hair was in an elegant bun with strands coming over the front of my ears. I kept my makeup at a natural look and put on a teeny bit of vanilla perfume.

I walked downstairs and jumped into Declan's open arms.

"I'm gonna miss you today"

"I will miss you as well Deckie" I said using the nickname that his mum calls him.

"Don't call me that" He said with a straight face.

I pouted and batted my eyelashes.

"Fine you can call me Deckie" He said sighing.

"Yay, I will be back soon"

"I'll miss you"

"I will too, bye"

I gave him a quick kiss before meeting Peyton in the living room.

"I can't wait till I shift for the first time and find my mate" Peyton said dreamily.

I smiled at her and hopped into Lottie's car cause she was driving us to the mall.

Just before we left Declan came running out of the house and stood next to the passenger window where I was sitting. I wound down the window and looked up at him.

"Here take this, spend as much as you want" He said giving me his credit card.


"Bye babe" he said before running back into the pack house.

I shook my head and giggled before Lottie drove off towards the mall.


We walked into Forever 21 and I looked at all the amazing clothing. I wanted one of everything, it was all so nice! I grabbed heaps of clothes and walked into the dressing room.

I put on a tight black dress which went to about mid thigh and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't want to seem up myself but I looked hot!

"Come out and show me" Peyton said.

I walked out and Peyton dropped her jaw in shock.

"I wish I was as pretty as you Kendall"

"Don't be silly Peyton you are gorgeous"

She half smiled and pushed me back into the change room so I could try on more clothes.

I ended up buying heaps and heaps of stuff in Forever 21 and I kind of felt bad for Declan cause I was spening all his money on myself.

We were just walking through the mall with around 10 bags each and all these werewolves bowed their heads down at us in respect.

"Why are they doing that?" I asked.

"Because you are their new Luna"

"How do they know?"

"Word gets around fast"

I nodded and we kept walking. I was planning to just leave the mall when Peyton pulled me into Victoria's Secret. Oh God I actually kinda hate this shop.

Peyton pulled me over to the racks and I stood there uncomfortably. She took all my bags off of me and gave me different lingerie and pushed me into the change room.

"What am I doing with this?" I asked Peyton.

"Trying it on, you need sexy lingerie Kendall"

I sighed but started to try it all on anyways.

Declan's POV

I wanted to check up on my mate to see what she was doing so I entered Peyton's mind to see what she was doing.

She was standing in Victoria's Secret looking at the change room, was Kendall buying stuff from there?

Kendall walked out of the change room wearing very small lingerie showing a heap of skin.

I continued to stare at her amazing body.

'GET OUT OF MY HEAD DECLAN!' Peyton said through mind link.

I chuckled and then cut my connection from her but had a clear vision of Kendall's half naked body in my head.


A few hours later the girls came home carrying heaps of shopping bags. I ran over to my mate and carried them all for her. I dropped them off in our room quickly and ran back down to her.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my torso.

"Peyton told me that you got into her head and saw me half nude" She said angrily.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I was just checking up on you and you suddenly walked out like that, please forgive me"

"I was kidding Declan, I don't mind if you see me like that, you are gonna see me like that sooner or later"

"How about sooner?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

"Perv" She said slapping my chest.

I moved my face forward an inch and pressed my lips to hers lightly. She kissed back eagerly and ran her hands through my hair. I put her down on the kitchen counter and she wrapped her legs around me tighter.

"Excuse me but can you not make babies in the middle of the kitchen" Jarrod said and then chuckled before walking out.

I blushed and hopped down from the counter.

Talk about awkward......





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