19. Brett?

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Declan's POV

I got to the border and Jarrod was there with a few other wolves. I pushed past them and there was a shadow in the trees.

"What do you want? What are you doing here?" I growled through mind link.

"I'm here to take my mate"

"And who is your mate?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I can smell her"

"Who are you?"

"I am Alpha Brett from Blood Moon Pack"

"You are the one who raped and abused my mate!" I growled loudly.

"Oh yeah! She's really great in bed, oh and when she moaned my name! It was amazing, her body-"

I cut him off when I jumped at him and started attacking.

"I'm not gonna kill you... Just yet! But you will be tortured in our dungeons until I think it's time for you to be killed"

He growled at me and tried to push me of him but I didn't budge.

Jarrod and everyone else came over and took him from me and took him to the pack house to put him underground in the dungeons.

I ran back to the pack house and quickly shifted. I walked into the lounge room and Kendall was standing there right in front of Brent, staring at him in anger. But he wasn't staring at her, he was staring at Abigail's twin sister, Aubrey. So Aubrey was his mate.

Kenda turned to face me and looked at me with anger.


"Why are you mad at me Kendall?" I asked her.


"We found him near the border. His mate is here"

"He doesn't deserve a mate"

"I know, that's why we are going to kill him"

"NO!" Aubrey yelled out.

"I'm sorry Aubrey but he raped and abused your Luna, he doesn't deserve to live"

"If you kill him then I leave and I'm never coming back" she said.

"Aubrey no!" Abigail said. "Declan, if you kill Aubrey's mate and she leaves then I leave with her"

"Abby no! Declan, if Abby leaves then I leave. It's all up to you, do you want to lose 3 pack members or kill the person that raped your mate?"

"I WANNA KILL THE PERSON THAT HURT MY MATE!" I yelled. "Boys send him down to the dungeon. Aubrey, you will have an hour alone with him but then you have to leave him so we can handle him"

She started shaking her head and crying.

"Alpha please don't do this"

"I have no choice"

"How would you feel if Kendall died?"

"I would die because I can't live without her obviously"

"Well that's how I will feel if you kill my mate"


"Declan! Once you kill him, us 3 will be gone, you will never see us again! Just think that through"

"Actually us 4 cause River is coming as well" Abigail said.

I looked at Kendall and she looked really upset.

"Boys, take him down to the dungeon. NOW!" I yelled, obviously they didn't listen last time I ordered them.

They quickly took him down to the dungeon and Aubrey followed straight behind them.

Brett's POV

My mate was so beautiful, she had nice brown hair and weird greeny brown coloured eyes but they were amazing. Her body was just perfect, she wasn't very tall but I preferred short girls. She was pretty skinny but she had curves in just the right places. She smelt like peaches and cream with a pinch of cinnamon.

I got shoved into the dungeons downstairs and she quickly came in afterwards. It was only the 2 of us, just me and my beautiful mate.

"Why did you do that to Kendall?" She asked softly.

"I don't know and I'm so sorry but please just forget about it"

"Okay. It's in the past and I didn't know you then so I forgive you"

"I'm sorry that it had to come to this"

"It's alright, we are here together now so lets make the most of it" she said seductively.

"I can't"

"Why not?" She asked coming closer to me.

"Because if we do something right now once I die your wolf will eventually die without me. I can't do that to you beautiful"

"Please I want to do this. I love you"

"I love you to... Aubrey"

When I said her name it easily just rolled off my tongue. Her wolf purred when I said it and I was happy.

I walked over to her and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

We started kissing hungrily and then I bit into her neck, claiming her as mine. At first she winced in pain but then she moaned in pleasure. I licked her wound making the blood go away and left there was the beautiful mark of my pack.

We continued going at each other for the next hour that we had together and ended up completing the mating bond.

The dungeon doors opened and Aubrey and I quickly got dressed.

"You guys reek of sex" Declan said disgust written across his face.

I guess this it then..

This is my time to go.....

Feedback Please! What did you guys think of this chapter? Did you like it? Did you hate it? What should I do to improve the book so you guys enjoy it more? Would love to know what you guys want! :)





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