25. Zander

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Declan's POV

"What are you doing here Zander?" I asked my twin brother angrily.

"My mate's here. I'm here to get her!"

"Just hurry up and take her and then leave before I change my mind!" I said angrily.

He growled at me and then started walking quickly through the house with me following behind him. I wanted to know the unlucky person that got paired up to be my brother's mate.

"Isn't this your room?" He growled.

"Yes why?"


Wait a minute, the only person in my room was Kendall. No! No! No! She was not his mate! She is mine and only mine!

I stormed into the room and he followed closely behind me.

He was staring at Kendall's sleeping figure and I could tell that his wolf had taken over because his eyes were golden.

"Leave her alone Zander! She's mine!"

"She's my mate" he growled.

"No she's my mate!" I growled using my alpha tone.

"Declan your stupid alpha tone doesn't work on me. You should know that by now"

Kendall started stirring in her sleep and I ran over to her and sat next to her protectively.

Zander growled and popped his canines out.

"Declan" I heard Kendall say softly.

I looked at her and she was rubbing her eyes in confusion.

"Mate" Zander growled softly.

Kendall looked at him in confusion and moved her head to the side like a puppy.

"Who are you?" She asked. She was so cute when she was confused.

"I'm your mate" he said possessively.

"Declan's my mate, not you" she said.

"You're my mate!" He yelled.

She flinched and his eyes turned back to his blue colour and he looked at her in regret.

"I'm sorry for scaring you" he said quietly.

"It's okay" she said with a smile.

I put Kendall behind me and growled at Zander.

"Get out of here Zander! Leave my territory right now!" I growled.

"Not without my mate"

"I'm not your mate though" she said cutely.

"I'll kill you Zander!" I threatened him.

"You wouldn't kill your own brother now would you Declan"

Kendall winced in pain and I looked at her and her eyes were red.

"Kendall" I said in worry.

"Don't kill him Declan" she said in pain.

"What did you do to her?" I yelled at Zander without breaking eye contact with Kendall.

"Oh nothing dear brother"

She hopped out from behind me and walked over to Zander and gave him a hug.

"Hi I'm Kendall" she said.

"You are so beautiful. My name's Zander"

I ran over to her and picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

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