21. Sick and Disappointed

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Kendall's POV

I woke up and stretched my arms up above my head and yawned.

I put on some slippers and walked downstairs where Peyton was talking to Declan.

He looked this way but I quickly looked away from him and pretended he wasn't there.

'But he is there and he wants us. You want him as well, you are just being selfish'

'I'm not being selfish Gracie'

'Yes you are! If this continues I will take over your body and have what is mine Kendall and I don't think you would like that very much'

I cut herself from my mind and could just tell that she was howling and screaming at me.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out some chocolate milk. I filled up a glass and walked straight past Declan without looking at him.

I sat down on the couch next to all the pups of the pack and they came and sat really close to me. I don't know why but they seem to love me.

"Hi kids" I said with a smile.

"Hello Luna" they all said enthusiastically.

"Guys remember just call me Kendall"

A little boy with spiky black hair came over and sat on my lap.

"Hey there, what's your name cutie?" I asked him.

"My names Ryder and you are really pretty Luna"

"Thank you Ryder"

He leaned up and shocked me by giving me a big kiss on the lips.

"Woah there little man, not on the lips" I said chuckling.

"But you are so pretty Luna"

"Wait for your mate alright Ryder"

"Okay" he said sadly.

I kissed his forehead and he cuddled into me. He was sooooo cute!

River came into the room wearing her cute little pyjamas and holding a teddy bear.

Ryder hopped off my lap and walked over to River. I think they were around the same age.

"You have a weird name. River isn't even a name. You have a weird name. You have a weird name" he teased her.

"Ryder stop it" I said loudly.

He stopped and quickly apologised to me.

"Apologise to River"

"Sorry River" he said. But it wasn't really in a sorry tone. I shook my head and he walked off bossily.

Oh I think I see what is happening. They are probably mates. Except for they won't know it yet till they are 16.

"You are going to be a great mother" I heard Declan say.

I nodded my head once and continued talking to the kids; completely ignoring Declan.

"Kendall talk to me" Declan said in my ear. By now all the little kids were watching.

I picked up one of the youngest kids and placed her on my lap.

"Hey Bee" I said in a baby voice. Her name was actually Bianca but I liked to call her Bee.

"Wen" she said slowly poking my cheeks. She was meant to call me Ken but she can't pronounce her K's.

"Stop ignoring me" he said angrily.

"Wuna" River said quietly.

"Yeah sweetie"

"Mummy's sick" she said sadly.

"What happened?" I asked sadly.

"She keeps on thwowing up and she is awways angwy and upset" she said sadly.

"Do you want me to go and talk with your mummy and make her feel better?" I asked River.

She nodded her head and had a big smile on her face.

I said bye to all the little kids and walked upstairs to Abigail's room.

Declan grabbed my arm and yanked me backwards so I flew into his chest. My arm was tingling from his touch and I just wanted more but I knew that I wanted my space and I didn't want him near me at the moment.

"Baby please I need you with me. It's so hard to sleep at night without you in my arms. I love you Kendall, please just stop ignoring me"

"Leave me alone Declan. If you can't respect me or my decisions then I will reject you and you will never see me again"

"If you want to be like that, fine!" He yelled.

I got out of his grasp and stormed upstairs to Abigail and Jarrod's room.

Jarrod was in the room and he was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.


He looked up and his eyes were all red like he had been crying.

"Luna" he said; his voice all hoarse.

"What's up?"

"Oh it's just Abigail. She has been a bit distant lately and she's sick all the time and she won't tell me what's wrong"

"I will go talk with her. Where is she?"

"She's in the bathroom. Thank you for this Luna. I think River is noticing that something wrong and I don't want our little girl thinking that there is something wrong"

I nodded my head and walked to the bathroom near their bedroom and saw Abigail with her back to me.

"Abbs what's wrong?" I asked her. She turned around and put something behind her back.

"Nothing" she said. She actually sounded like shit!

I walked over to her and as soon as I hugged her she burst into tears.

"I.. I haven't been able to sleep at night.. I'm so stressed out at the moment.. And I don't know what to do anymore Kendall"

"What's wrong Ab?"

She brought the thing out from behind her back and gave it to me. It was a pregnancy test which was positive.

I pulled her into a hug and had the biggest smile on my face.

"Abby you are pregnant again. That's great!" I said happily.

"You are pregnant?" I heard Jarrod from the door.

We looked at the door in shock and Jarrod stood there with a smile on his face.

"I'm just gonna go and yeah..." I said awkwardly walking out of the room.

I walked downstairs and all the kids were gone from the lounge room but now Declan was there with all these girls over him.

He looked at me and then smirked. There was so many emotions running through my mind at the moment.





But the main thing that I was feeling was:


Feedback please!!!!!!





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