Chapter 6

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"It's about time. We thought you guys ditched us!" Liam exclaimed throwing his hands up. Zayn and two girls popped up behind.

"Hi I'm Sophia and that's Perrie," a girl with brown hair pointed to a blonde one.

"I'm Isabella," I introduced then Zayn spoke up.

"Great, okay looks like everyone met each other now let's go in," I looked at Harry and he nodded. I walked it and it was so beautiful. The walls were wood log. It looked so warm and welcoming. I felt a hand on my back and turned around seeing Harry.

"I got you something," he smiled.

"What?" He took out a box.

"Open it," he gave it to me. I unwrapped it and it was an iPhone 6.

"I can't accept this," I shook my head giving it back to time which he wouldn't take.

"Why not?"

"I don't want you to spend money on me."

"Isabella, I've got millions of dollars. Do you really think a few hundred will do any harm? Another thing is that you need it. Plus, I already put your number on it so it's activated."


"Please," he gave me these intense puppy eyes and I nodded.

"Thank you Harry," I whispered.

"No problem," he gave me a hug which I stayed in and didn't let go "You good?" Then I realized I was still holding onto him.

"Oh yeah sorry," I awkwardly laughed.

"It's fine," he smiled. We went back out into the living room and everyone was looking at us.

"What kept you so long Harold?" Louis said stepping closer to Harry.

"Lou leave them alone," Eleanor said coming from behind him and pulled him away.

                      Yes Harry and I have talked about it all. Even though it says were married we're just friends. Sometimes management tells us to go out and stuff like that but we've never kissed or done something like that yet which I was thankful for.

"I'm going into the Lake," Niall said coming out of the bathroom wearing his bathing suit and a towel around his arm.

"Can I come?" I asked.

"Course. I'll be outside," he said going out onto the back porch. I went into the room and put my black bikini. Harry came in and I screamed.

"It's okay you're dressed," he stated pointing to the bikini I was wearing and I started blushing. "I just came to tell you that I'll meet you and Niall later."

"Alright sounds good," I nodded "um Harry?"


"Do you have any towels?" He nodded going into the closet.

"Here you go," he smiled.

"Thanks," and I walked outside and Niall was laying down on a chair and I think he was sleeping. He had his phone on his stomach which was probably burned up. He was red.

"Niall!" I screamed.

"Ahhh what?"

"You already got a sunburn," I burst out laughing.

"Aww man!" he whined.

"It's fine, just spray sunblock on," I said handing it to him. We started walking and soon got to the lake. There was a rope hanging off a tree that led into the water.

"You gonna swing on that?" He asked me.

"No, I came to tan," I shook my head taking a seat on the ground.

"At least come into the water."

"I don't know. It looks kinda cold," I frowned.

"Your loss," he stuck out his tongue and I did the same. He jumped onto the rope and splashed into the water which made some come on me.

"Niaaaall!" I exclaimed.

"You're fine" he laughed. I felt two arms wrap around me and got picked up. Harry.

"What are you doing?" I said nervously squirming from his grip.

"Bringing you to the water," he simply said.

"Harrrry.." I hung onto him so wouldn't drop me.

"Come on Bella, let go," he smirked.

"No way."

"HELPP!" Niall screamed which made me let go and bring my attention to him. Harry threw me in and it was freezing. Niall looked at me in smile.

"Guys help," I said while paddling trying to keep myself up. "I can't swim," I said before going under the water.

After one second I felt myself being pulled against Harry and he lifted me up.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I thought you knew how to swim and-"

"Yeah I'm good," I said before swimming to Niall.

"Didn't you just-"

"Yep," I nodded.

"You are evil. "

"You guys are evil," I said. "You're the one who made me think Niall was in danger."

"Truce?" Ni asked.


"See it's not so bad is it?" Harry asked.

"I feel like a Popsicle," I frowned.

"Aww is Belly Welly coldy woldy?" he teased in a baby voice.

"Never say that again," I laughed shaking my head swimming back. "I'm going back to the house," I said grabbing my towel drying myself off.

"Don't go!" Niall screamed.

"Weirdo," I left and went back. I opened the door seeing Zayn hovering Perrie on the couch making out.

"Oh sorry," Zayn said getting up and Perrie was blushing.

"I'm just going upstairs to take a shower," I smiled going up. I went into the bathroom and couldn't figure this thing out.

I went into Liam and Sophia's room and they were just laying on the bed talking.

"I'm sorry am I interrupting?" I asked

"Not all all," Sophia laughed getting up "What's up love?"

"I can't figure this whole shower thing out," I pouted.

"No problem," she got up walking with me to the bathroom.

                        She turned the water on for me and left. I got in, shampooed, conditioned, and washed my body. The usual thing people do in the shower. Then I got out wrapping a towel around myself and went into my room. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. When I got out, I went down stairs and turned the tv on. Perrie and Zayn left by now probably with Louis and Eleanor. I put on a movie and laid down. I heard the door open and Harry and Niall came in.

"Go dry off outside. You're getting water all over the floor," I said shooing them out. I threw them towels and they came in smiling.

"You still upset?" Niall said.

"I'm not upset," I laughed.

"Where did everyone go?" Harry asked.

"Don't know"  I shrugged.

"We're gonna go take a shower" Harry said and my eyes widened "NO! Not together! There's five showers in this house" he laughed and they went upstairs.

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