Chapter 5

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Today we're all going up to the lake house. Louis, Liam and Zayn are bringing their girlfriends. Yup Niall's a single pringle.

"Who's going in what car?" I asked the boys. Liam took out a piece of paper. What the hell? Did he already plan this?

"Well Zayn, Perrie, Sophia and I are taking my car. You, Harry, Eleanor, Niall and Louis are going in Harrys car." I'm with the loud people yikes.

"Ha good luck," Zayn laughed telling me as I groaned.

"Hey, we're not that bad," Harry came from behind me giving me a hug and I turned  around to look at him.

"Yes you are," I pulled away and stood next to Niall. "They have a peaceful car!" I said pointing to Liam and Zayn which they fist bumped each other.

"What time are we going ?" Louis said laying on the floor.

"The girls are on their way," Liam smiled. I've never met them before but I think it would be cool to have some girl time.

"Except for El. She's still at home," Louis whined standing up grabbing his keys.

"Lou, we'll just pick her up on our way there," Harry shrugged.

"Alright," we got up and went into the car. I sat infront with Harry and put my sunglasses on. We arrived at Eleanor's house and I got out to introduced myself.

"Hi I'm Isabella," I waved and she just looked at me then pulled me into a hug.

"AWW Isabella I can already see we're going to be best friends!" She exclaimed.
She threw her luggage at Louis making him plop down on the ground and groan but got up putting it away.

"Here come sit in the back with me," she gestured me into the back seat.

"What! No way!" Louis crossed his arms.

"Lou I wanna be friends with her so I gotta learn more about her. Go sit in the front with Harry."

"Niall, go sit with Harry" Louis stared at him.

"Lou just go" he nodded and went into the front.

"I don't understand why Niall is with both of our girlfriends" he said to Harry while getting in. That kind of made me feel a little uncomfortable and Harry could notice so he kicked him.

"Shut up Lou," he growled.


"Times like this you wish you were with Liam and Zayn right?" Eleanor said looking at me.

"Yup," I nodded.

"Heeey!" Niall, Lou and Harry said at once looking at us.

This is a four hour drive and I'm already falling asleep. My eyes closed and I fell into my dreams.

"You're a nobody Isabella," he screamed.

"Dad," I whimpered.

"Shut up you piece of shit," he slapped me.

I felt someone shake me and it was Harry.

"Wake up you're having a nightmare."

"Please stop!" I shouted.

"Isabella," Harry shook me once more and I shot up.

"AHHH!" I screamed and opened my eyes and he and Niall looked worried.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked and I nodded. "You're shaking," he pointed out.

"Well I'm cold," I lied.

"It's 87 degrees outside."

"Just let it go Harry," I mumbled switching my position so I was now facing Niall. He looked down at me confused and I shrugged. Yeah we are still in the car Eleanor and Louis are now in the front and I'm still in the back.

"Do you have a twitter?" she asked.


"You should make one," she smiled and I nodded. I'm gonna do it later though. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked back.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered.

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

"Where's your mom and dad?" Man she's got lots of questions

"My mom's home and my dad's on....." I need to think quick, "um oh yeah vacation," I smiled. Harry and Niall gave me a weird look.

"That's nice."

"How much longer till we get there?" I asked Louis.

"I'm not sure I'm just following this map" he shrugged.

"Wait what?" Harry jumped up.

"This map," he said holding it up.

"Wait didn't I-" I started but Harry cut me off.

"LOU! ISABELLA DREW THAT!" He groaned rubbing his face. "Please tell me you didn't follow this drawing!"


"Park to the side," Harry growled and he pulled over. "El switch seats with me and Lou get into the passenger seat."

Harry sat on his phone for ten minutes and threw it on Louis lap. "No service."

"Do you know where we are?" I asked Harry and he shook his head. "Okay, no problem let's just go to the next store we see and ask where we are."

"Alright fine," he seemed tense. I put my hand on his arm.

"We will get there okay?" He looked at me and calmed down. As you can see Harry and I are much closer now. Yes, we still get annoyed by each other sometimes but most times were good.

"How are you and Harry?" El asked.

"We're not together it was set up."

"Well yeah I understand but you guys will fall in love one day."

"No we won't," I laughed. How could someone just say that? I barely know Harry. How would I even fall in love with him?

"Yeah you will."

"You guys realize I'm right here right?" Harry said looking over at us.

"Aww Haz scared that your babe doesn't wove woo,"  Lou said hugging him

"Fuck off Louis," Harry said shoving him off. I looked at Niall and he looked slumped and I gave him a hug.

"Niaaaall," I poked his cheek and he looked at me then smiled.

"Isa-" he whispered but then got cut off.

"YES!" Harry clapped his hands "WE MADE IT!"

"No store?" Eleanor asked.

"No store," Harry smiled as we parked in the driveway.

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