Chapter 25

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I heard my phone buzz but I didn't both getting it. I just laid there staring at the ceiling. I ate a banana this morning but I wish I never ate it. I feel weak. I got up because I have work tonight . I kept my pajamas on and went down to the art shop.

"I'm here," I groaned.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," I shrugged.

"Isabella you can't wear pajamas to work," she crossed her arms.

"Why not!" I whined about to fall asleep.

"Those are the rules! Do you need to go home?" I shook my head. "Yes you do," she sighed.

"No I don't," I shouted.

"Stop shouting okay? Just go."

"I'm okay look," I tried to open my eyes but they barely open.

"I'm not going to argue with you right now. Go."

"Fine," I pouted. When I left there were so many people outside of it.

"Ew what are you wearing?" A teen yelled.

"Fix you're hair you look gross!" This man yelled.

"Did you get fired?" one laughed.

"Nice fashion you got going there," another shouted.

"Please leave me alone," I whispered.

"Why are you wearing a sweatshirt? It's like 100 degrees," someone yelled.

"FAT ASS BITCH!" These three girls yelled at the same time.

I stood there and blocked my ears while closing my eyes.

"Make it stop!" I screamed collapsing onto the side walk. "All you do is hate on me, I'm sorry I'm not the person you want me to be. I'm sorry I-" I got cut off.

"Alright enough everyone give her some space. Out." my boss came out telling everyone to leave.

I got up and ran back to the house. Once I got there I closed the door and screamed. I went to the mirror and punched it. My hands were all bloody. I took a piece of it

"Useless" cut.

I put my bracelets back on and cried into my hands.

*****HARRYS POV******

"Want some beer?" Niall screamed from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I shouted back.

He came back and we sat down on the couch flipping through channels. Wait what was that?

"Go back."


"No one more."

"Today's topic? Isabella Styles. After leaving work she looked a little 'off'' take a look at this."

A clip of her popped up on the screen and she was on the floor with her head in her knees screaming "make it stop." All of a sudden a person came out and I think it was her boss and made everyone go away. The camera was then turned to Bella and she was running home.

"From the information I've gathered people were shouting nasty stuff at her and she just snapped. Well that's it for today! If we find out more with the story we will be the first to have it on here. For more news stay tuned!"

My jaw was dropped open. Holy shit.

"Harry," he whispered

"Niall go book me the nearest ticket back home," I said staring at the floor.


"And Niall?"


"Get the other lads," I rubbed my face sitting back. He nodded and left.

What's going on with her? She shuts me out then El and now she's in the streets screaming!

"Alright there's for midnight and the boys are on their way."

"Has she talked to you about any of this?" I shook my head.

"Want me to come with ya?" He asked.

"I don't know," then I thought. "Actually yeah go add a ticket," I nodded and he went.

"You asked for us?" Liam came in with Zayn and Lou.

"Yeah look something's wrong with Bells so I need to go see her. Nialls getting a ticket for me and him and we're going to see her."

"Is it because you left?" Lou laughed.

"Shut up Lou. I don't know! Watch the video."

"What video?"

"If it was on the news, it's on YouTube" I muttered grabbing the laptop. I typed on YouTube Isabella Styles and that video came up. "Watch this" after the video they looked at me.

"What happened?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" I screamed.

"Calm down," Liam said.


"How do you know that?" Liam question.

"Yeah she might be home eating chips and watching tv," Zayn said.

"Or not," Lou shrugged.

"LOUIS!" Liam and Zayn punched his arm.

"I don't need this right now," I pushed by them. "Let's go Ni" I screamed.

"But I have to pack."

"No you don't. You've got clothes at the house."


"I'll drive you" Paul said opening the door.

"Thanks," I nodded.

"No problem."

"Harry what time will it be when we land?"

"I think we land around seven so we will be home around 8 o'clock at night. When we get there we will just say hi and then talk about everything the next day," he nodded.

"Alright boys, good luck." Paul gave me a soft smile.

"Thanks we will need it," I closed the door and we ran in so we could make it. Not a lot of people were here so we didn't get mobbed.

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