Wedding Day

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(4 months later)

Dom's POV

I'm ready.

Dressed in black, waiting at the alter for my wife to be. The air is kissed with a cool breeze. Orange and brown leaves fall from the trees above.

They asked why marry when she's already yours. My answer is: she is mine, she will be in every way.

I adjust the Orange silk cloth in my suite pocket, nervously waiting for my beautiful mate to grace me with her presence on this joyous day.

I look over my left shoulder to see Max smiling at me. In this moment I realize just how much I love the people in my life. Stef, max, Danny, my mom and dad, the pack. They all mean so much to me.

Max nods in the direction of the crowd. In the front is my family. Grinning and waving at me with tears in their eyes. Even my dad was close to tears. On the other side of the isle is Stef's mom. Holding the same emotions.

Filling the rest of the white wooden chairs is the pack. Everyone and anyone, young and old. Here to witness their Luna's great beauty. Everyone is dressed in oranges, browns, and blacks making this fall atmosphere even more surreal. Point on Stef's part for planning every detail in this amazing event.

'As if she's let me do it.' I smile to myself

Fall accents every aspect of our outdoor wedding. From the decor to the nature acting as our background. Everything is amazing.

Moments later a soft melody starts to play. It's time.

The double doors swing open and out comes my beloved mate, fiancé, and very very soon to be, mother of our pups.

She's wearing a white dress that hugs her curves perfect then flares out around her knees. It's sleeveless and her skin is glowing. Her hair is pulled back, underneath a shear white vail, showcasing her beautiful face. She is everything I've dreamed of.

Our eyes connect and my breath stops. She was crying. It couldn't be sadness, the beaming smile on her lips radiate happiness.

I inhale and exhale as Mr. Moore, Stef's father, guides my lifeline down the grass isle. Her looks at his daughter the whole time, clearly filled with so much pride and joy.

Finally, they stop in front of me. Stef hugs her father tight before he hands her off to me.

"Take care of my baby girl." He whispers before taking his seat next to his wife.

'I will, I promise.' I chant in my head.

She is even more beautiful up close. Long lashes blinking up at me, pink lips twisted into a smile.

I take her hands and intertwine our fingers. Keeping my focus on her.

The ceremony begins but everything becomes background music as I stare into her beautiful orbs. They're filled with love and happiness. My heart thumps each time she blinks.

Her smile. It's more radiant then it's ever been. Lips plum and shining. Innocently begging to be nibbled on. Bust perky as always. She is absolutely perfect.

"Alpha Wright," The elder that is marrying us says.

"Yes?" I respond breaking my stare at Stef.

"Do you take ms. Stefanie Amber Moore to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

This was it, the words we'd all been waiting for.

"I do."  As the words leave my lips Stef's smile grows wider.

"Ms. Moore, do you take Dom Edward Wright to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." She's says firmly.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Alpha, you may now kiss your bride."

And boy do I.

I cup Stef's face and join her soft lips with mine. Sparks fly immediately as I kiss this woman.

That's it, we're married. She's mine and I am her's. All I want to do now is enjoy it, and also make so puppies.

When we finally stop for air roaring hoots and clapping erupted around us. Our families where on their feet, whistling and cheering us on. It feels good, really good.

Now per tradition, My wife and I shall take a relaxing trip to our honeymoon destination and spend the next 5 days in pure bliss.

"Mr and Mrs Wright." The elder announces.

I take Stef's hand and guide her down the isle where our families and pack hug and congratulate us.

After a few hugs and kisses I scoop my wife off of her feet at carry to the limo, ready to take us to the airport.

We wave off our loved ones and start towards the honeymoon that I planned. Yes, she has no idea where we're going. No worries though. It's the most magical place on the planet.

"I love you Dom Wright." She whispers softly into my ear.

"I love you Stefanie, Wright." I reply facing her to kiss her lips gently.

Dom and Stefanie Wright.



Authors note

That's it. I rushed this ending so I could get this book out. It's been a long time coming with this book. The evolution in my writing has become so much stronger. You can't see it here but just know it has. Sorry for a crappy book. I'll only do an epilogue If it is asked for. It would include the honeymoon and something like a 9 yeas later. I think that's it, thank you for almost 50 amazing chapters.


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