Chapter 18

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Stef's POV

"Dom! Stop I quit!" Dom has been chasing me around this huge house all day but he finally caught me hiding in the kitchen. I will say I put up a hell of a fight though.

"I found you so what's my prize?" He asks picking me up and sitting me on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Close you're eyes and I'll give you you're prize." He crosses his arms but still does as told.

There's enough space between Dom and I so I try my best scoot off of the island but the lack of clothing on my thighs makes it much harder to be quit.

Hearing my skin stick and screech against to marble top of the island Dom's blue eyes meet my brown ones, but before he can react I jump to my feet and dash out of kitchen and up the stairs.

"You can't run from me!" He yells from behind me, he's closer than I think.

All he has to do is reach out and grab me now. But I know the perfect way to prevent that.

As soon as I reach our bedroom door I wobble on my ankle and fall to the ground.


"What happened? What's wrong?" He bends down to my side and inspects me.

"I twisted my ankle." I'm seriously trying my hardest not to laugh right now so I cover my face with my hands and pretend to be in pain.

"Shit, your not gonna be able to walk on that." He explains then picks me up bridal style and carries me into the bedroom.

He lays me down no the bed.

"I'll get the first aid kit." He walks across the room and opens the bathroom door.

This is the perfect time.

I stand on my perfectly fine ankles.

"Hey Dom?" I call for him.

"Yeah." He comes back into the room looking down at the first aid kit.

"Catch me if you can!" I yell before sprinting out of the room.

I laugh like a mad man as I run down the stairs and round the corner to hide in the living room.

I've never run this much in my entire life. It's somewhat fun.

"Stef..." He calls my name like in the horror movies.

I sit behind one of the lazy-boy couches and pray he doesn't find me.

"Stefanie Amber Moore..." He uses my full name.

I make no sound.

His footsteps enter the livingroom.

"Stef, babe I gonna find you."

I cover my mouth to silence the laugh that's threatening to slip.

When his footsteps start to fade I know it's safe to move.

I pull my knee up to my stomach but a sharp pain strikes my stomach.

I've felt this feeling since I was fourteen years old. It's that time of the month.

When I finally get myself up I exit the living room holding my stomach.

"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you. And now since I've found you I think it's time we play a different game."

"No I think playtime is over, I'm not feeling to good." I try and explain while walking toward the steps.

"I'm not gonna to fall for that trick again." He grabs my waist and pulls my lower half to his. I wince at the pain in my stomach.

Alpha Dom (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now