Chapter 23

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Before I start this chapter I'm giving all of you the chance to curse me out in the comments for not uploading a chapter sooner. So right after this chapter make your way to the comments.

Dom's POV

I'm forced awake at the sound of my phone buzzing against the wooden nightstand next to me.

The caller ID reads 'caller blocked'.

I don't know why but I unwrap myself from Stef to answer the 4 o'clock in the morning call.

"Who the hell..." The blocked caller, who I eventually figure out is Zek, cuts me off.

"Just listen, your first task begins in fifteen minutes. Meet me in the old shoe warehouse next to fosters market. Oh, and if you screw this up your friend max will pay the consequence, with his life." Without another word the line goes dead.

As quick as possible I get to my feet and throw on some clothes and shoes.

Before I turn the door knob I check to make sure I haven't woken Stef up. She lays peacefully in our bed, pink lips parted , and long wavy black hair cascaded over her pillow and onto the bed.

'I'll be back.' I whisper.

I twist the doorknob open and pad my way out of the room, closing the door gently behind me.


With less than a minute left I pull up to the old warehouse and rush inside.

"Cutting it a little close are we?" Zek says as I enter the cold and dreary building.

Looking around I take notice of the single metal chair placed in the center of the room. I also notice the dirty concrete ground and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. This place is a shit hole.

"What do want me to do, clean this piece of shit building?" I ask as I walk over to him. Kicking around some dirt In the process.

He laughs at my joke.

"You might have to later but for now,"

He walks over to a door that is labeled storage unit, yanking the door open a body stumbles out and falls to the ground.

Judging by the size, hair, and lack of breasts I assume that this person is male. His shouting is muffled by duck tape covering his mouth, a blindfold blinds his vision, and rope holds his wrists and ankles together with tight knots.

"All I need you to do is get him to talk." Zek says bending down grabbing the him by the shoulders and dragging him to the chair.

"And how do you suppose I do that?" I ask stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Use your alpha ability if course." He grins, evil clear in his eyes.

"So you want me to beat him to death?"

"Not to death just rough him up a bit, I'll ask the questions." He stands behind the male and removes the blindfold.

Just by looking at his eyes I can tell he's an omega.

"Well Colin this is a friend of mine, and he's here to speed this process along. So I'm going to ask you a couple of questions, if I don't get an answer or the answer I'm looking for my friend here will, give you some assistance." Zek stays behind the guy that looks like he could be the same age as me.

Colin try's to speak but the tape is to tight on his mouth.

I move forward and peel the tape off.

"You couldn't have done this somewhere else? This place is a shit hole." Is the first thing Colin says.

I laugh, remembering I said the exact same thing.

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