Chapter 35

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{The pack house}
Dom's POV

"Merry Christmas Dom." Stef's dad says shaking my hand as he and mrs Moore walk into the house.
I smile and hug mrs. Moore.
"Stef's in the kitchen helping my mom finish up dinner. I'll take your bags up to the guest room."

I watch them migrate to the kitchen then grab their bags.

It's like a family reunion here at the pack house. Mine and Stef's family, Max and Danny's family. All here, under one roof. Including a little over two hundred pack members. All for Christmas...

Once I've placed Mr and Mrs Moore's bags in one of the many guest rooms I head back downstairs to find max.

I find max in the kitchen along with all four of our families and a few pack members.

"Max can I talk to you for a minute?" I interrupt his conversation with my dad.
He nods.

Before we leave the kitchen I notice Stef. She's sitting at the island, smiling and giggling as her and Mia are coating cookies with green and red sprinkles. She catches my stare and looks up at me, grinning. Cheeks pink and eyes bright.

"What's wrong Dom." Max asks pulling my gaze away from my mate. We step just outside the kitchen.

"I fucked up max, I fucked up bad."

"How?" He crosses his arms over his chest.

"I didn't get Stef anything for Christmas..." I cringe whispering.

Yes it is Christmas Eve. No I had no clue what to get her. And yes I know I fucked up. Massively.

Max laughs like I'm kidding.
I would laugh too, if I was joking.
Aggressively, I rake my fingers through my hair.

"Your fucking serious?!"

"Shh..!" I whisper yell at him. The kitchen is all of the sudden quite.
I put my index finger over my lips telling him to remain quiet.

"Look, I screwed up but I need you help me fix this. Will you help me?"
He sighs then nods.

"I just don't understand. How do you not get your mate something for Christmas?"

I tried, I really did. It's just that nothing in the mall, or any fucking store really, was perfect enough for her.

No fragrance could smell better then her natural sent. No piece of clothing could makes her goddess body anymore perfect.

I even thought about getting her lingerie but that would be a Christmas gift more for myself.

"Just meet me in my office after dinner." I whisper lastly before we return to the kitchen.


"You okay Dom?" My father questions my absence in family conversation.

I sit up a little to show some interest.

"I'm fine." I lie. Im fucking nervous.
When I look at my watch the clock just strikes 8. Nothing's gonna be open if we don't go soon.

I still haven't decided on what to get her. Christmas is making my brain hurt.

I look to my right where Stef and Danny are gossiping about something Stef's saw on Twitter.

Then It hits me. I shoot up out of my chair instantly.

"Max, could I speak to you?" He senses my urgency and follows me out of the dining room.

"What is it?" He asks, knowing I've come up with something.

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