1. The Brunette and Blonde

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Robs POV

Flowers lined the kingdom garden as the sun fell over the horizon beautiful colours painting the sky orange's, pink's , and a dark purple.

It was amazing but something about it made my heart go weak.

Backing away from the balcony I closed the doors letting the comfort of darkness take over the room, shutting the curtains I didn't want to see anymore.

Plopping down onto my bed I gazed around my room, nicely designed by maids that were passed on by my mother.

The colours consisted of family favorites, hint of golds and a famous royal blue.

I loved the colour of my room, it was a common colour for my kingdom but there was much more to it it lived with me always being there from the light beginning to the darkening end.

Rising from my bed I made my way to the bathroom pushing open the door and  standing right in front of the large mirror.

Like usual I wore my dark blue sweater, my hair wavy and flat, my eyes standing out as they were an icy silver. Something about them made them feel like they weren't real like I would blink and they wouldn't be there.

But they we're always there since as long as I can remember, lifting my hand I grabbed the charm that loosely laid around my neck smiling at the memory of my mother and past friends.

But the smile was wiped away before I realized what happened to them, turning away from the mirror I walked out of the bathroom and jumped onto the bed. 

Noticing the vase of white roses I smiled at them, kicking my boots off I pulled the covers over me my thoughts drifting to the past.

I lifted up my hand and concentrated, frost started to cover the tips of my sweater and little snow flakes falling down gently onto my face. 

Gritting my teeth I clenched my hand letting it fall to my side.

The foot steps of butlers and maids walking around the castle was shutting out the world I let my thoughts travel in, closing my eyes I let the darkness take over.

To only find myself in a sticky situation.


Groans of pain waked me, opening my eyes they watered from the sudden dry air.  

My heart stopped realizing I wasn't in my room, jumping up I noticed a bared gate in front of me, was in a dungeon?

Looking down at my hands I noticed weirdly shaped cuffs covering them, the metal shiny and covered with layers of ice, which I assumed was from me.

Fear sneaking up on me I didn't know what to do, how the heck did I get here? I thought I was at home in my room? 

Lifting my head my eyes went wide, a guy sat across from me he had messy blonde hair that stood up, from what I can see his eyes were a light blue. 

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