15. Nursery Rhymes and the Underworld

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Mistys POV

It was dark and sort of creepy.

Cold and numbing.

My bare feet followed the same path I walked almost every other day.

The cave walls echoed with mysterious sounds somewhat sending a shiver down my spine.

I hummed a familiar tune that came to my mind.

My voice echoed off of the walls letting a bit of pleasure fill my ears.

"Ring-a-round the rosie,

A pocket full of posies,

Ashes! Ashes!

We all fall down.."

Skipping down the cave I can only giggle at the origin of the melody.

The more further I got, the darker and colder it got I didn't really mind the cold but it somewhat bugged me.

My eye caught the attention of the portal that glowed a dim purple I was always amazed by its unique colours it was neither a light purple or dark but a mixture.

Standing right in front of it I raised my hand and placed it in my hand felt warm as the purple light felt almost like thick smoke sliding in I was met by a whole new different environment, my body warmed up as blazing fire's surrounded every inch of this place. In front of me stood a huge castle I have had come to call home.

I grimly smiled noticing the dried up blood stained on my pale hands.

Walking further into the depths of hell I can only despises the hot heat and wish for the cold floor of the cave.

Walking along the bridge, boiling lava rolled down the slope into an ocean of more.

Tired of walking I teleport to a single balcony higher up on one of the castle towers.

Finding myself in my burnt up bed I can only catch my breath and sigh.

Lifting myself up I looked along my room, the walls covered with pale sheets like a princesses room, dead flowers laying all over my dressers, I can only feel a hint of guilt.

My room was somewhat okay, I made it to my liking.

Skipping out of it I made my way to his den.

Passing all the lone dead servants I stood in front of his giant doors, pushing it open I sneaked into the dark room the smell of smoke and burnt things was pungent and made me cringe. 

He laid on the bed looking at the closed curtains of his grand windows.

I sneaked my way over plopping myself on his huge king sized bed, my eyes caught his scars that layered his thick skin, his eyes a dark purple glowing with curiosity and sadness like always, his hair dark and long covering the scars on his face. I placed my small hand on his head and smiled.

"Everything is going to plan." He moved his attention to me and smiled.

"I kinda sped things up a little sorry." He lifted himself up and looked at me with an 'it's okay' look.

Getting up off his bed I skipped towards the grand windows pulling open the dark curtains and opening the doors to the balcony.

He followed my lead onto the balcony looking at the hellish sight, I lifted myself over and sat on the edge of the drop.

"Blood?" He question standing to my side, looking down at my hands.

"Yeah, I kinda got bored and attacked one of the elements, just to scare him yeah know." He grinned before shaking his head.

"Your bad.." He teased, I giggled nodding my head.

"I know, but don't worry I didnt hurt him to bad. "

We stood next to each other in comforting silence.

I kicked my legs back and forth, humming a tune that once again came to my mind.

"London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down,

My fair lady.."

Hot air blew through my brown hair, humming slightly I only let my mind travel to our plan.

"When will we go home?" I questioned nervously, he looked at me with curious eyes..

"When our heroes in shining armour defeat us.." He mumbled, I nodded not happy with the answer.

"Why don't we belong in the human world I mean other monsters live there too.?"

"We are more than just monsters, we are demons and we don't belong anywhere, at least not anymore."

I nodded sadly looking down below me, a far fall that would do no affect on me.

"But like I said we aren't going down without a battle.." I looked at him and nodded scooting closer to him.

"Yeah!" I raised my hand in the air and grinned, the mood lighting up a little.

"When we go home, will you introduce me to your love one's?" He questioned. I grinned and nodded my head.

Wondering if I even had loved ones?

"Of course, how about you?" He looked off into the distance and a warm smile plastered his face.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure they will love you.."

Lifting myself off the balcony I raised out my hand towards him.

"Shall we go watch what's going on in the over world?" He nodded and grabbed my hand, despite his huge claw it almost felt like a human's.

We may seem like monsters, but really we were much more.

We were once humans who lived perfectly normal lives tell pure darkness and chaos cursed us with demonic powers that turned us into cruel begins.

At least that is what I think. 

We changed into demons who just want to rest in peace, with our loved ones who passed on.

But our demons side won't go down without a blood shedded fight.

We want to change the world into a better place.

But in order to do that you have to play the bad guy in order to encourage people.

"I'll stay with you till the end Misty.." I smiled and squeezed his hand.

" I shall stay with you till the end."


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