8. Serpent and Innocent Flower

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Jeromes POV

The truth hurts..

The darkness swirled around me like silky smoke, the air thick and hard to breath in, my body felt as it was burning on the inside I craved for fresh air.

I didn't know what was up or down, my body fell in ever lasting darkness.

Where am I?

I felt something slither up my legs causing me to freeze in pure terror, hissing caught my ears and I went stiff.

Was this hell?

Snakes swarmed up my arms and legs trapping me in place, I couldn't move, my heart seemed to stop as the snakes straggled me.

What's going on?

I tried yelling with the very little breath I had left, I felt terrified of the snakes wrapping around me..

"Help.." I whimpered, my body going limp.
My motivation of getting free seemed to get sucked out of me as the snakes slithered on my face causing me to freeze in place.
I wanted to cry but yet I couldn't.
Everything seemed to happen ever so slowly causing unbearable mental pain, I just wanted this to be over.

Was this because of my sins?

"No more.. Please!" I screamed squirming around trying to get free, my heart seemed to rapidly beat.

I still have one?

"HELP!" I yelled feeling myself shake in utter fear, my eyes watered badly, my breaths shortened every breath.

My mind gave up knowing I couldn't get out of this, calmly  I stopped fighting back and closed my eyes feeling the snakes around me, wrap tighter.

But before I knew it.

I felt something cold grab my hand pulling me out of the bundles of snakes, I opened my eyes to see a glow past the body's of snakes.

It pulled me out of the group of snakes and into the light beyond me. The light blocked my vision I squinted feeling soil beneath me instead of the body's of millions of snakes getting crushed.
Instead I felt grass, I let my eyes adjusts to the lighting to find myself in a fields of flowers..


I was still shaking in fear feeling my heart rapidly beat.

I tried standing up but failed as my legs were shaking, but before I can feel the impact of the ground I was caught and held in someone arms.

I looked up to see a warm smile of a guy, his eyes a light hazel, hair the colour of dark spruce wood. He wore a blue sweater and a daisy flower crown on top of his head.

"Sorry about that ASF.." I looked at him confused, he helped me up onto my two feet, holding my sides so I wouldn't fall.
My eyes caught the beautiful view in front of us.
We remained in a field of flowers, beyond the horizons were mountains encasing us, the flowers seemed to never stop millions of them surround around us.

But what seemed to catch my attention was the ice encasing half of the fields and the dark clouds roaming over the mountains.
It caused me to panic as it didn't look like any normal storm as the energy force was dark..

I looked over at the guy to see him watching the ice spread over the field of flowers, he had a worried look on his face, his eyes seeming to show nothing but pure terror.

"W-what's happening?" I questioned, he seemed to flinch before slowly turning to me.

"I'm losing myself." He mumbled, I looked at him confused.

"W-what do you mean?"

He sighed sadly turning away watching the ice grow further. He seemed dazed.

"O-once the ice covers up all the flowers and land.. I'm going to become a monster." He stuttered pulling up his sleeve revealing some strange markings in black.
My heart seemed to stop as I recognized those markings before, once on a really close friend of mine.

I looked up at the guy to see him looking at me with fear the markings traveling up his arm further.
I backed away slowly feeling memories flood my mind, my breaths became heavy as my eyes watered.

"W-who are you?" I questioned looking up at the stranger in front of me, he looked at me and smiled, his smile was kind and warm something that made you feel calm my breath hitched as a charm hanged around his neck it glowed a faint dark blue.

"I'm Woofless but my reality self goes by Rob. And I'm the ice element." He mumbled sadly, his hazel eyes seemed to darken as the black markings appeared on his neck.

"W-why am I here?" I questioned his smile seemed to fade as he turned and faced the storm looming closer.

"ASF I need you to find me in reality and when you do, I-I need you to put an end to me." My heart seemed to stop that very second.

"You already know what's going to happen to me if you don't.. Don't let the past replay itself." His eyes cold and serious, I cringed at his words.

"I-isn't their any other way!?" I yelled feeling the guilt of the past, I clenched my hands digging them into the soil beneath me.

"N-not that I know of... But please ASF, I don't want to become a monster.. I don't wanna HURT ANYONE!" He yelled looking straight at me, his words replayed in my head.

The memory seemed to sneak it's way back inside of my head.

"Please ASF.." Woofless fell to his knee's as tears streamed down his face.

"I-I'm begging you, I don't wanna hurt Tbnrfrags anymore." He cried.


His face showed pure sadness and hurt he mumbled words to himself clenching his eyes shut.
That's when I realized something about this guy.
He reminded me of myself.

He loved Tbrnfrags, and he doesn't wanna hurt him.


I then felt my whole perspective change.

I stood up and slowly walked towards him.

He was sacrificing himself to save the one he loved.

I stood in front of him and placed my hand on his head.

"I-I will do it, but if their is anyway I can do it without killing you I will choose that option first, but killing you will be my last resort. So hang on for a little while." I said grasping my charm in my hand.

"T-thank you.." Woofless mumbled looking up at me, I flinched as his eyes were turning a dark blue.

"Now go ASF find the other elements and put an end to the darkness that lives within this world, don't let it end up like the past, you have a second chance." I nodded sadly and walked away from him into the other direction. 

The opposite direction had light and warmth, the flowers swaying in the warm summer wind, the beautiful colours all bold.
I felt a pang of guilt leaving Woofless behind but I can't do this alone, I looked behind me to see pure darkness, as the storm loomed over Woofless, but my eyes widen as Woofless smiled painfully, his smile was calm and warming.

"I promise Woofless I won't let it happen again."

I won't let you turn into a monster like Tye.

I clenched my charm in my paw, the light seemed to get brighter blinding me.

I can warn and protect them.

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