5. Love and Hate Realtionship

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Prestons POV

I couldn't help but pull the covers over my head. The entire day I watched the rain stream down my window while letting the cold sneaking in.

For sure I lived in the desert but it was that time of the year where it rained all day.

I felt my stomach stir as my thoughts traveled to a well known day.

The cold reminded me of someone I wanted to forget, someone that caused me an unbearable pain.

Frowning I turned around looking at the bouquet of flowers that laid nicely in a rusty coloured vase, the flowers varieties was something different.
They each had certain flowers that started from tiger lilies to orange carnations to yellow lady slippers and daisy that were there for accents.

I twisted and turned as my thoughts couldn't leave him, his icy blue eyes, his chestnut brown hair, the way his laugh made me feel. 

The way I wanted to warm up his cold hands, the way I held him during the night when he had nightmares.

For sure we were kids but I cherished those memories.
They were something I could never forget, raising my hand towards the ceiling I lit a small heated flame.
The flame glowed dull like always, trying to spark it bigger I failed as it hummed a dull orange.
Sighing in frustration I let my hand fall to my side.

I didn't know that in one day your life can change dramatically for the worst.

I lost everything that day.
I lost my family, my home, my land, my dreams and most of all my best friend. 
Clenching my hand as tears threaten to fall  reminding me of the fear and terror I experienced.
Why would he do something so cruel?
What did I ever do to him?

I bit the bottom of my lip, he was more than just a friend to me.

I-I loved him, he made me feel special made me feel loved. 
For sure my family did to, but there was something different about him, the way he made my heart flutter the way he let my cheeks heat up in a fluster when he held my hand, the thoughts of me getting lost in his icy eyes, it sadden me to know that it might have been all fake. 

Rising from my king sized bed I made my way to the balcony doors, my feet racing along the cold floor as my hand was meted with the door knob.  Opening the door I walked out into the cold rainy air water droplets dripping down my face as I took a low breath, walking out farther I placed my elbows on the ledge railing, as I whispered my thoughts in the storm night.

"W-why Rob.. Why would you do this?" Looking over my land the village glowed beautifully. 

On the outskirts of the village laid sandy deserts and small packs of cactus, I felt a pity grin plaster my face as I sighed sadly. 
We said that we would come see them together.
But sadly I was the only one who saw them. 

When we first arrived I couldn't help but slowly break down inside.
When I ever looked at them I couldn't help but feel the betrayal of my best friend, I walked back into my room and towards the vase of flowers, stopping in front of them I hovered my hand over them.
Closing my eyes I let my pain and thoughts flow through, I was angry,heart broken and confused.

Why would he do this to me?

Did I do something wrong?

Why me? Why my family?

He loved my family.. Right?

I felt heat rise to my hand.

Why would his family do this to us?
Would his mother allow it?
My thoughts traveled to the mellow lady.
She was much like Rob, except for her golden hair and brown eyes..
She was sweet and innocent.
Would never hurt a fly or so I thought.

I wonder how she is right now.
Actually I wonder how all of them are?
Do they feel guilty or nothing but pleasure for destroying my kingdom.

My hand clenched as I felt flames skim over, opening my eyes to see the flowers being eaten by my flames I watched as they slowly crisp away into ashes.

I felt a pathetic grin plaster my face. 
I couldn't help but think, I destroyed something he loved.

Was I going to get revenge? 

Of course.

I was going to end his horrid kingdom and kill his family right in front of his eyes. Burn his beloved garden right in front of him, and lastly banish him from his land and let him suffer alone. Let him have a taste of what it feels like.

The flowers burned down, but I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. 
My eyes widening I quickly grabbed the vase of flowers and raced outside into the rain, I placed them down letting the rain extinguish the fire slowly.
After a while I let non existing tears stream down my face.

"H-how can I do this.. H-how can I destroy his kingdom when I can't even kill flowers with out thinking about him.. " I clenched my hands in frustration.

I slammed my hands on the ground.

P-Preston you have to man up!

I growled in frustration as I rose to my feet and kicked the vase, watching it smash into bits and pieces on the concrete, I didn't want to look back as I raced into my bathroom and changed into dry clothes.
I changed in front of the mirror as I took in my figure and looks.

Looking at my bronze eyes I seen a small dim flame burn behind them, putting on a fake smile I pulled up a dress shirt.
On my counter laid my ruby charm picking it up I placed it around my neck. 
I remember when I first met Rob it glowed a dim red, he didn't see it though as he was a nervous wreck about accidentally freezing a flower.
I smirked he was always so silly.

Shuffling out of my bathroom I flopped onto my bed, pulling the fur blanket over my body, letting my eyes drift and wonder to the well known Flower King.

My mind couldn't figure it out.
If I should hate him or forgive him.

But for now, this night with the pouring rain and crisp cold air.

I will forgive him.

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