14. Reason to Live and Attacks

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Robs POV

The farther we traveled down the ocean line it got warmer.  
My body slowly got use to the warm heat but besides that, I was a sweating mess Vik leaded the way down South where they had all different type of landscapes.

Everything was new to me, and honestly I enjoyed our trip together. 

You know getting out of the castle felt amazing knowing no one was always up your selves complaining about duties and task you have to complete for training and lessons.

It actually felt great to be free for once my freedom at home was only concluded of my flower garden that me and my mother worked on but after her passing I worked on it with a maid I was really close with, she use to also by my mothers head maid before she died.

All I can hope for was that she wasn't mad at me for leaving the garden to her.

Vik seemed to enjoy my present as he often talked to me about different types of places we passed by or landscapes that were all new to me.

It actually felt good to have someone to talk to for once.

Vik also talked about this one guy over and over with a small sweet smile on his face, I some what felt happy for Vik the way he talked about this Lachlan guy it actually made my heart warm, the way his cheeks would get a light pink when explaining the adventures they went on together and how kind he really was even though he didn't like to show it.

Somehow I felt a pang of jealousy as it reminded me of someone I wanted to forget.

So far while passing through small villages no one noticed us as no one knew how I looked or the name I go by, at the Kingdom I was known as "Robert Lasky, Second Prince Of the Northern Kingdom." But I would prefer to go by Rob.

Right now me and Vik walked along the edges of the Eastern coast of the Wept Bay.

It was rather stunningly beautiful and calming as the waves crashed against the cliffs edge. 

I stopped in place letting Vik walk further ahead breathing in the crisp air of the salt water that had a pleasant smell to it, the smell was nice and I some what pictured my mom.

Her marvelous calming hazel eyes, soft wave light brown hair, creamy soft skin and gentle voice that sang me to sleep almost every night. 

The wind blew through my hair as I closed my eyes picturing my family before the tragedy and despair, before the over whelming power engulfed my father.

The day's where me and Preston ran through the flower garden playing hide and seek, with the sweet smell of freshly brewed ice tea that awaited us after our play.

What happened..?

Suddenly I felt cold, opening my eye's small snowflakes surrounded me, Vik waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"Hey Rob you okay?" I looked at the stunning view again and nodded.

"Yeah sorry I was just thinking of someone."

"We're almost there." He stated.

"We have about half a day walk, we should be there by night fall." We been traveling for what seemed like forever, but yet.

It didn't feel that long even though it's been a few weeks. The nights where we laid next to one another and looked up at the stars, the mornings where I watched the sunrise and the mist clear off the rivers and lakes, the smell of fire wood and smoke. It all brought joy to me.

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