29. Pine and PanAcake's

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Lachlan's POV

Dawn came sooner than we expected, the sun trying to peak up from the horizon.

The cold seemed to numb my feet, and the sound of a cold breeze catching my ears throughout the ceiling.
Looking around the room a depressing aura hung over the small cabin. Preston sat on the sofa gazing at the fire since we got here, fiddling around with a small compass, while Mitch gazed over us on the top bunk bed his gaze distant and cold, Vik and me sat at the kitchen table looking over a map of the Northern kingdom, our strategy sat plainly as red ink marked a pattern clear as day.

I sighed in defeat this plan of ours was suppose to be ready days before our arrival, but i'm a perfectionist who lives for perfect plans that must succeed. Vik gazed down at the map like his life depended on it, his eye's were focused on the routes and our escapes ways.

My hands seemed to tremble every second as I thought of the possibilities that might happen. Today our plan was to commence and today was the day we were going to win over the Northern region once and for all.

But with Rob and Jerome's sudden leave, it made all of us feel anxious, and question ourselves to think that are we really going to win this?

I sighed.

Well there's no going back now is there?

Clapping my hands together I smirked, everyone looked up in surprise at the sudden sound as the wooden chair I was sitting on screeched along the wooden flooring.

"Well boi's, who's up for my famous panacake's?" I walked towards the kitchen and started setting out the pans and batter materials.

"You mean pancakes?" Preston said, and I smiled lightly.

"PanAcake's, or Pancakes, it doesn't matter it means the same thing." I pouted and started cleaning the old fashion oven, then realized we needed to start a fire, standing straight up I huffed and placed my arms on my hips, to lazy to actually start a fire.

"Preston!!" I sang, looking over my shoulder I saw him smirk.

"Yass Lachy?" A mischief look burned in his bronze eye's and I looked away smiling.

"Would you please be a dear and start the oven?" Mitch stiffed a snicker and jumped off the top bunk and sang.

"Please Preston!! I want some of mama Lachy's pancakes, with extra maple syrup."

"I don't wanna!" Preston whined crossing his arms.

"Oi don't be a jag, I'll put more chocolate chips in your pancakes."  He smirked and clapped his hands getting off of the sofa shoving the small compass in his pants.

"And strawberries and we'll be set!" I nodded and he smirked making his way to the oven, I watched as he plopped a couple of logs into the furnace and smothered then in his flames, as it was nothing.

"Anybody want tea, or coffee?" Vik's accent sweet and clear in my head, turning to him I watched as he held the tea kettle and a couple of tea cups.

"Typical Vikky, I'll like some coffee with maple creamer!" Mitch sang excitingly getting plates set up on the table for me.

"I'll take extra strong coffee, two creams, two sugars." Preston said getting up from the furnace and dusting off wood chips from his hands.

"I'll have tea with you Vik." I smiled, he looked at me with his dark eye's and smiled lightly.

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