31. Battle of Poofless and The End.

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Preston's POV

It was deathly cold, frost bite nipping at my cheeks, and the tears weren't helping.

My heart felt as if it was non-existence.

"P-preston we have to get him down!" Kenny shivered in pure fear.

I slowly looked up at him, his eyes clouded with destress.

I got to my feet and walked towards him.

But the closer I got I noticed Robs weapons laid below him.

Taking hold of the pole Kenny and me steady it ever so carefully in our states.

Balancing him carefully we lowered him to the ground.

His blood dripped down the pole and onto me and Kenny's hands, his blood still warm.

Everything was deadly quiet, except for the distant crackling sound of fire burning down the rose bush maze, my hands were shaking madly as I tried my best to lay the pole down.

It took a rough while but we finally did it as we laid his body onto the frozen ground.

Kneeling in front of him, I winced as I looked at his face feature's slightly twitching and his breath shallow.

"K-kenny give me some water and cloth I need to clean these gashes." I mumbled painfully.

Kenny didn't say anything but did as he told, as he ripped of pieces of his clothing and took out a case of water from his bag.

His hands shook in fear as he handed me his water.

I noticed the chains that wrapped around Robs skin they looked extremely painfully as it was fresh flesh and bleeding lightly.

Odd tears would stream down my eye's as I tried getting Rob un-attached to the pole, carefully I free'd him but I couldn't seem to get the chains off his ankles, neck or hands.

"The chains I-I can't get them off." I mumbled under my breath, Kenny came closer to me and looked down at Rob.

Kenny observed his body and gashes, before biting down on his bottom lip.

"His right shoulder is dislocated, and I think his ankle is broken." He said pointing towards Rob's right ankle.

Despite that his body was covered in purple bruises and scars that were open and fresh.

Kenny pulled something out of his bag before handing it to me, it was a potion we got from Lachlan earlier in the mission.

"It won't do much, but it can help?"

A healing potion? I thought.

"Okay place his head on your lap, and open his mouth slightly." Doing as I was told, I lifted his head ever so carefully and gentle placed it on my lap.

He was deathly cold and he was a bloody mess.

What the hell did they do to him?!

Holding back my tears I cupped his cold cheek, his skin still smooth.
The flower crown of spider lilies laid a few feet away from us, I felt sick looking at it.

It was the flower of the after life.

The flower was rare and would be impossible to find in the Northern Kingdom, so where did they come from and who took the time to wove the flowers into a crown?

Kenny carefully poured the liquid into Rob's mouth, it didn't take long for him to start coughing, Kenny stopped and watched as
Rob laid his head down on my lap and sighed, still not opening his eye's.

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