9. The Blur and Pryo

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Lachlans POV

The sun glared down on me while a hot gust of air blew through my hair, the air was muggy and sticky. 

Covering my eyes I looked over the area.

In the distance stood the Phuroulux Empire held down with its huge walls surrounding the giant temple while the capital roamed with people.

"How the fudge am I suppose to find this person when I don't even know who they are. What was Pete thinking?" I sighed annoyance while I kept walking over the sandy hills and dunes. The hot atmosphere warmed my skin caused a smirk to crawl on to my face.

This place reminded me of home, despise the sandy dunes and cacti that roamed the land.
It was no other than the hot weather that warmed my skin, it brought me back to the days where I didn't have to worry about nothing and live in nothing but peace and quiet.


That was a long time ago, when I was an innocent child not knowing the truth about how reality works.

How cold people truly are and what they crave the most.

It's cruel.

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice of girl she was humming a familar tone getting into stance I was surprised to be meted by a small figure calmly I turned around to be meted by playful eyes.

She wore a black robe and had long wavy brunette hair, her eyes pitch black, her skin rather pale and had some strange black markings on her neck and arms she looked innocent but yet she has something burning in those eyes of her.

"Who are you?" I questioned not taking my eyes off her, something about this girl made me feel uneasy. 

"I'm Misty." She hummed her voice soft and playful like a little kid teasing you.

"What do you want?" She grinned only skipping a few steps closer to me.

"I want nothing more to get this searching game over and done with, it's rather boring to just watch you guys search." She whined making a pouty face while crossing her arms.

"H-how do you know I'm looking for someone?" I asked.

She ignored my question and pointed towards the Phuroulux Empire, she smiled.

"The fire element your looking for goes by the name Preston, and he resigns in his Empire." She turned and looked at me with a sly smile and skipped opposite of me my eyes went wide as I raised my hands up feeling dark energy flow through my veins.

This Misty girl was bad news.

She smirked and watched me closely and giggled suddenly disappearing from her spot. I quickly looked around the sand dunes holding my position my hands now had black and purple smoke encasing them. 

My heart skipped a beat as she popped up in front of me her eyes soulless her smile toothy and creepy causing shivers to spread through my body.
She raised her hand and clawed my stomach causing me to fall back to the ground.

H-how is she so fast?!

The air was instantly knocked out of me, as I held my stomach feeling pain spread through my body grunting I reached for a healing pot I made but before I can she stepped on my hand.

The sun blinded me she knelt down and placed her hand on my chest.

Looking at her confused I suddenly felt a painful sensation She traced her hand over my chest the burning felt horrible, suddenly black mist started forming around us her eyes an abyss.

Screaming in pain I tried fighting back, but that only made it worst tears glistered in my eyes as it felt like my insides were being boiled. She giggled seeming to enjoy my pain.

My abilities and powers were useless.

The black mist seemed to dance around us like fire, feeling my body get heavy I stopped fighting back.

The pain seemed to die down but the black mist floated around her.

Groaning in pain tears stream down my face, and my breath was cut short.

Was this the end for me?

Are you serious? 

She stood over me looking south and then grinning like a mad man.

Her grin was playful and mischievous, causing my stomach to turn as blood painted her hands.

Mine to be exact.

Her hands were frail and sharp almost like claws, the black marks on her body moved back and forth.

"W-what are you..?" I breathed between breaths.

She bend down to my ear.

"You'll find out soon Lachy, but for now let your knight in shining armour save you." She stood up pulled her hood covering her brunette curls. 

My vision started becoming hazy, my breath becoming short the black mist seemed to still float around me.

W-what did she do to me?

"See you later." She smiled skipping off into a void of nothing.

I tried to sit up but once I did I got a glimpse of something and fell back onto the ground.

My mind soon realized the scars lining my stomach and chest, they looked like dragon claw marks, cringing at the blood I looked up to the lone sky the sky was a baby blue with no clouds in sight but only the blazing sun.

My charm felt cool against my chest slowly and painfully I raised my hand and grabbed my amethyst charm and ripped it off my neck raising it towards the sky.

The charm glowed dim light purple, remembering how my mother adored my necklace while my sisters teased me, about it being girly.
My eyes widen as my charm glowed brightly then the sudden voice of someone.

"Oh my god, please don't be dead!" The voice belonged to a guy, his face and body were blurred .

He sighed in relief as he noticed my arm still up. 

Slowly I let my arm fall and painfully I grabbed the healing potion and raised it towards him.

"U-use this." I muttered biting my bottom lip, from the burning pain.

I felt the bottle leave my grasp, as a warm liquid was poured on my chest and stomach.
I sighed feeling the pain magically disappear letting out a shaky breath of relief mumbling out the words 'thank you'.

Black dots blocked my vision as I felt extremely tired.

But yet again reassured...

I found the fourth element.

The Fire element.

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