23. Fairies and a Summer Day

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Preston POV

The sound of the breeze flowing through the tree's calmed me.
The smell of different type of herbs and plants filled my nose.
Flowers displaying a sea of colours all around us.
I specifically gazed at purple flowers known as cosmos, that slanted down, over flowing a gray clay pot.

Around me everyone's voices were flooded out by the sounds of nature.
The coolness of fresh soil tickled my hands as I knelt to the ground planting a small pine seedling.
I smiled gladly at the little tree, hoping one day it would grow big.

Everyone was spread out helping replant the garden after the accident that I caused, my stomach can only turn at the thought.

Guilt scarred me, but I promised to make up for the loss of families of flowers, plants, herbs, and tree's that grew here for many years.
I promised Pete that I would help reboot the garden back to health, and treat it nicely this time.

With the help of Jerome things were going spectacular, the tree's that were burnt, he healed them with the touch of his paw.
And top soil that blew away he fertilized them back to health, and plants that were damaged he helped them grow back into what they were before.

"Hey Preston want me to grow this tree a little bigger?" Speaking of the devil, looking up he stood in front of me with a goofy grin his hands covered in soil, looking down at the little tree I smiled lightly.

"Nah it's okay, let him grow in peace." Jerome looked down at the seedling.

"K, buddy." He smiled again and made his way towards Mitch who was having trouble planting pink carnations.

The sun shined down onto us it's rays of heat welcoming it was neither freezing cold nor blazing hot.
But not to lie, I like blazing hot days it make me feel powerful.

Once again nature caught me in a gaze.
The birds singing were beautiful and peaceful, the sound of flowing water from a stream down the path was memorizing.

The garden was huge and looked as if it took years to grow, just imagine this started from scrap, just regular tree's and untouched soil ready to be used.

But now it turned into this beautiful flower utopia, of different races of flowers and plants. It was majestic.

Wind blew through my hair, the scent of food catching my nose making me turn around, I watched Choco trying to grill some streaks, smiling I finished praising the seedling, dripping my hands in a barrel of water I walked up to Choco.

"Let me take over, I'll show you how to make a real steak!" Rubbing my hands I tied a long white cloth around my forehead.

"Let's do this!" Sparking my fingers together I made a tiny flame.
With the sizzling of meat and the smells of juices, everyone gathered around their mouths watering.

"How did you learn to cook like this!?" Choco gleamed amazed.
Smirking I started adding spices.

"Well my empire is known for its delicious meats." I added.

"Oh yeah, how can I forget that delicious streak I had while I was there." Lachlan sang, his eyes glowing with hunger.


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