4. Runaway and Ice Keeper

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Vikrams POV

Hitting the ground with a hard thud my head started throbbing in pain.

Watching my horse run off I knew I screwed up, the cold ground beneath I curled up in pain.

 My vision becoming a blur as I heard quiet mumbles become louder they seem to have found me to quickly.

Suddenly I felt arms pick me up ruffly off the ground my head felt as it was going to explode any second.

Damn horse! I cursed.

I let myself rest as I got dragged to some unknown place I watched as water trailed behind us, smirking I knew it was from me.
I couldn't think straight my mind only on the fact that I got thrown off my horse.

I looked up my vision kind of hazy I was meted by two guys wearing blue and silver armour. My heart skipped a beat as I knew I was going to get it.

Trying to wiggle free there grip became more stronger, and more painfully around my wrist.

What can I do?

I frantically looked around noticing we were heading into the kingdoms capital. 

I stopped resisting and realized there was nothing to do. 

I bite the inside of my cheek, frustration boiling inside of me.

My eyes traveled the unknown capital, the structure beautiful and well made.

Guards lined the walls and streets, very few people waling the roads. My eyes traveled to a banner hanging down on one of the houses, the Northern Kingdoms symbol encrypted into the fabric of royal blue.

If I get out of this alive I'm kicking Pete's ass. That damn western was going to get it.

After a long minutes of walking through twist and turns, I watched as the ground beneath me soon turned from cement into stone then light blue carpet.

Clenching my hand I felt water dripping down my arm.
I over looked my plan once again as I still had time to spare.

The reason why I am here was to look for someone, not get caught by the damn Northern Kingdom I was suppose to sneak in.

The person I was looking for are known to be the ice element, I was sent here to retrieve him, while Lachlan was sent for the pyro, and Mitch sent to find the earth element.

It was a really tough journey for all of us, we all had very little facts about them and very little time.

It seemed that the ice holder of course lived up in the north and of course in the Northern kingdom. This guy is known for his magic powers and is also known to have a sapphire charm.

There is known to be six of us, me being one and each one of us holding different powers, magic or abilities.
I was left with the water element which is pretty lame, it would be cooler if I had ice or fire or something more than water imagine all the things I can do.
Mitch was air, Little Lachy was something like shadow or magic it was pretty cool.
My thoughts traveled to the blonde he was sure something interesting.

The reason why I was sent to go after the ice element was because Mitch personally knew the earth element and Lachlan wouldn't even look for this guy as he hated the Northern Kingdom with a passion if he came I'm guessing he would have assassinated the king and his sons.

I smiled something about him made my heart skip a beat, I'm not sure if it was his messy blonde hair or his gorgeous blue eyes.
But when ever I was around him I never wanted to leave I'm a total different person around him.

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