Chapter 3: The date

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Luna's POV

"So, where are we going?" I asked the girl, she was driving us and I had no idea where to.

She glanced at me for a brief moment before returning her gaze back to the road. "Somewhere we'll be alone." she said and smiled, her right hand reached for my left hand, holding it.

I looked at it and smiled, this felt surprisingly nice.

After awhile, we arrived at the movies. We went to watch an action movie, since we both liked that the most.

During the movie, she held my hand, I really liked that.

When the movie was over, we went to a little restaurant. We had dinner and talked some more, it was nice getting to know her. I finally knew her name. It was Dawn, she was 17 years old and loved running.

When we were done eating, we went back to the car. She said she wanted to take me to one more place before we'd head back home.

We drove for a while. That's when we arrived at this dark place. She lets go of my hand and got out. I got out as well and looked around.

It was dark and very very silent. I looked at her and saw her already looking at me. She came closer and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I wrapped mine around her waist and smiled, this felt really good.

"Do you feel that too?" she asked, I'm thinking she's referring to that feeling.

I nodded and smiled. "It feels really good."

"Yeah," she said and leaned in. "It does." she said and connected our lips.

My eyes widened from the sudden action, but I enjoyed it a lot. And so did my inner self. I pulled her closer and really enjoyed the kiss until I suddenly heard 'Mate'.

I was so surprised by it that I let go of Dawn to look around, wondering where that came from.

"Hey," she said, making me look at her. "Everything alright?"

I nodded. "I just thought I heard something."

She smiled. "Yeah, in your head."

I looked at her.

"It's your wolf, dummy." she said, giggling a little.

I let go of her, blinking a lot. M-my wolf? That's impossible, I'm not a wolf! I'm human!

"Hey," she said, caressing my face. "Are you alright?"

I looked at her. "I-I don't have a w-wolf."

She seemed taken back. "What do you mean?"

"I'm human, not wolf."

She let out a deep sigh and caressed my face. "You didn't know about...?"

I looked down, I felt weird. Was that the reason I felt different? Was that the reason every time I growled mom had to calm me down? Was that the reason every night I wanted to look at the beautiful moon? Was that the reason I felt so attracted to her and something said 'Mate'?

"Oh my God, I'm sorry, I thought you knew." she said soft, kissing me afterwards, as if saying sorry with a kiss. "But you did feel different, didn't you?"

I nodded.

"So," she said, her playful behavior returned. She wrapped her arms around my neck, looking me deep in the eyes. "What did your wolf say to you?"

I gulped and looked down. "I don't know."

She made me look at her again. "You don't know or you don't want to say it to me?"

I looked her in the eyes. "Both."

She tilted her head sideways. "What?"

I sighed deep, I had to tell her, maybe she'd help me... "It said something but I don't know what it meant."

"Why don't you tell me?" she whispered, still caressing my face.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around her waist, I don't even know why but I needed her close. "It said 'mate'."

She looked at me and suddenly a big smile appeared on her face. "You heard it too."

I nodded.

"We're mates." she said and hugged me tight. "I knew it, my wolf said it too."

I pulled back quickly and looked at her. "W-wolf? Y-you're a wolf?"

She nodded. "We're both wolves and we're mates." she said and smiled, leaning back in again.

I let her kiss me, mainly because I wanted to feel her kisses again. She wrapped her arms around my neck while mine were around her waist, pulling her closer. I enjoyed kissing her and again, I heard it 'Mate'. So she was my mate, that's good, right?

We kissed for a while until I couldn't contain the curiosity anymore. I pulled back and looked at her. "What does it mean that we're mates?"

She smiled. "It means we're soulmates, babe." she said, kissing my cheek.

"Really?" I asked to which she nodded. "Wow..." I smiled and pulled her closer, she was my soulmate. "Maybe we should get back to the car, it's getting late..."

She stopped kissing me and looked at me, that's when I saw her eyes changing colors. They were yellowish.

I was surprised, but also scared. I gulped loud.

She took my hands and smiled at me. "Let's play around first."

"Play around?"

She nodded and sat down. I followed her example. She closed her eyes and changed into a wolf. I gulped, I had never seen a wolf in real. I was always taught they were bad...

She looked at me, not aggressive at all but sweet and protective. Gently, she walked closer to me until she stood right in front of me. I raised my hand slowly and felt her, she was so soft.

Her tail started wiggling and she started licking me. I started laughing at that. "Stop, that tickles!" I laughed harder.

She looked at me. "Change too."

I gulped. "I don't know how to do that."

"Just focus on your other form, your wolf. Close your eyes and focus." she said and so I did. "Imagine you being a wolf, the fur, claws, tail... The freedom you'll feel..."

"Nothing's happening!" I said annoyed.

"Open your eyes." she said and so I did.

"Why? I was trying." I said and huffed. She smiled and tackled me, she started licking me again and that's when I noticed my fur. "Oh my God, I did it!"

"I told you so." she said and licked me some more, it seemed like she was doing something instead of just licking me.

"What are you doing?"

She looked at me. "Marking you as mine."

I smiled, I loved hearing her say that. "But isn't that to early in our relationship? We actually aren't in a relationship yet..."

She looked at me. "Will you be my mate, my wife, my life companion?"

I gulped. "Wow, that's a request I'd never expected to get..."

She smiled. "So what's the answer?"

I smiled and nodded, my wolf was happy. "Yeah, I'd love to."

She smiled and continued marking me. I wonder if I have to mark her too...

We continued laying together. My head was in between her paws and head, while her head was resting on the back of my neck, making sure I was safe. I loved having a protecting mate around.

Book II: Two different worldsWhere stories live. Discover now