Chapter 27: The talk

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Hazel's POV

"We're here." I said, motioning to the two rooms where our children were at. "Their favorite rooms."

"Oh I remember these." She smiled. She seemed to think about something.

I was just looking at her.

As if she felt me looking at her, she looked up. "Uhm... It was when we hadn't met."

"Oh?" I tried sounding curious, interested. But I couldn't help but feel annoyed and jealous. I don't know why, but I'm feeling more and more protective over Fay. I mean maybe it's our connection.

She nodded. "Yeah..." She looked at me, and saw me looking. "Boaz and I played around here, a lot."

I looked down, oh I was so jealous! What's up with that?

"We used to play hide and seek here, but also mom and dad..." She trailed off, as if she knew she better shut up now. "I mean, it didn't mean anything."

I wonder... I feel her feelings, emotions and all those things. Does that mean she feels mine? Because if so, she must feel how annoyed I am right now. Maybe that's why she stopped talking...?

"So, shall we enter?" She asked, changing the subject. Good on her to do that.

"Yeah." I mumbled before entering one room. There we saw Robyn on top of Gwen, they were really getting it on.


Robyn and Gwen shot up, both shocked by Fay's sudden outburst. I guess she didn't like seeing that...

"What's this?! You're both way too young for that!" Yep, she was the overprotective parent... I mean she should be careful with what she's saying, my kids know about us and our marriage when I was very young...

Gwen straightened her clothes. "I'm sorry, wolf mom, but you and mom got it on pretty early too..."

I looked at Fay, who really didn't seem to like this. I looked back at Gwen and Robyn. "Listen, we're ok with your relationship, but be careful and be safe. Ok?"

Fay wanted to say something else but I put my hand on her mouth, shutting her up. 

"Ok?" I repeated.

Gwen and Robyn nodded. "Of course."

"Good." I looked at Fay and gave her a look, shutting her up. I removed my hand and looked back at Gwen. "We need to talk to you and Luna. Now."

Gwen gulped, and nodded. She got up and looked at Robyn. "I'll be right back." She said to which Robyn nodded.

She walked with us to Luna's room.

When we entered there, we saw them both lying down. Dawn's head was resting onto Luna's chest.

Fay smiled, she seemed very proud. I hope she won't put Luna before Gwen, they should be equally important.

"Luna?" I said, causing her and Dawn to get up. "We need to talk to you, now."

She blinked and seemed to get the hint. She nodded. She got up and looked at Dawn. "I'll hurry." She said to which Dawn nodded, she also seemed worried.

We walked to the dinning room, the big dinning table there was easy to sit at and talk. We could all see each other.

"Listen girls," I sighed, how do I start this? "We have bad news."

Luna and Gwen looked at each other before looking at me and Fay. "You two aren't going to split up, are you?"

It was somewhat cute to hear Luna ask this. She was so innocent still. Sometimes it worried me, I mean the world wasn't a place to be innocent. Especially not the world Fay and me created...

"No," I said, taking Fay's hand in mine. "We're not, never ever ever."

Fay smiled, kissing my hand. "I love your mom too much to leave her."

Gwen and Luna smiled. "So, what is it then?" Gwen asked.

Fay looked at me. "Do you want me to tell them?"

I shook my head no, I should tell them. It's my dad, the least I could do is tell them myself. I sighed, looking up at them. "During the announcement..." I sighed again, this was going to be very hard. "During the announcement, something happened."

"Yeah, peace." Luna smiled. See, her innocent answers.

I looked down.

"Mom, what is it?" Gwen asked, she felt something else was wrong.

I looked back up, into their worried eyes. I sighed. "Your granddad..." I looked down, taking a moment for myself before looking back up. Their eyes were slowly filling up with tears, I think they knew what was coming. I mean, they're not stupid. I reached for their hands, and so did Fay. All our hands were together, close. "Granddad passed away."

Gwen and Luna started crying, quietly at first but it slowly got louder. I think it was the time that it took to really sink in.

Seeing them cry, made me cry as well. I didn't want them to cry, to be sad. "I'm so sorry, girls."

Fay pulled me closer to her, hugging me. She did the same for our girls, as best as she could. She held us all close, she was like our rock now. I mean I felt Fay was sad too, but like I said before, she's more sad for us than for my dad. And I get that, she hasn't seen my dad in years...

We sat there for the longest of times, but it was alright, because we were together.


After our talk, the girls went back upstairs, to their rooms. Fay and me stayed downstairs, talking for a very long time. It's amazing how well we clicked.

After that, we went back upstairs. We walked passed our girls' rooms. We opened Luna's door. They were both sleeping. Dawn was lying in Luna's arms, Luna really was very protective over her mate.

We closed their door, letting them sleep.

Afterwards, we opened Gwen's door and saw her sleeping in the arms of Robyn. Robyn was still awake while she was watching over Gwen. She saw us looking and nodded, letting us know she had seen us.

We both nodded back to her and closed the door, letting them sleep.

We walked to our room. Wow, our room... It's been a while. So much wasted time... All for nothing.

I entered first and stood there, in my room, sighing.

Fay closed the door behind us and walked to me, hugging me from behind. "I'm here for you, baby."

I held her arms. I closed my eyes and let my head fell backwards, letting it rest onto her. Even with my eyes closed like this, I felt so safe...

We stood there for quite a while. "Come on," Fay said, pulling me with her. "Let's get some sleep." She laid down onto our bed.

I laid down next to her, and sighed. Today was one tough day.

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