Chapter 17: Let's talk

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Hazel's POV

"Are you two going to be alright?" I asked my lovely daughters. They were getting ready to go to school. I told them they could stay at home but they wanted to go to school.

"Yeah," Gwen said, wrapping her arm around Luna, who was just looking down. "We're alright, besides we need the distraction of school."

I sighed deep. "Make sure you stay together and if you'd rather come home, then do so, please."

Gwen nodded. "Of course."

I smiled and hugged them. "I love you two."

"We love you too, mom." Gwen said and pulled Luna with her. I was worried about Luna, she was really upset. I understand that though, she must've been so happy to finally have met her wolf mother and then she discovers the horrible truth... Poor girl.

I watched them walk away to school. When they were out of sight, I took my jacket and walked to Boaz' house.

I knocked on the door and his wife opened. "Hazel, hi!" she said as she let me in.

"Hi, where's Boaz?" I asked, looking around.

"He's in the shower, but you can wait here if you want." she said as she walked back to the kitchen. I followed her and sat down, sighing. She seemed to notice something was wrong. "Are you alright?"

I looked at her and showed her a small smile. "I'm fine."

Several minutes later, Boaz finally entered the kitchen. His eyes widened, he must be surprised to see me here. "Hazel, h-how are you?" he asked as he hugged me.

I hugged him back. "I'm fine." I said and sat down again.

They both sat down and looked at me. "What happened?" Boaz asked.

I looked down. "I saw Fay again."

Boaz took my hand in his. "What happened?"

I sighed. "I still love her, Boaz." I said and looked up. "I hate this, why can't I stop loving her?"

"Because you're her mate, she's you're true love, that's why." he said, but he seemed very upset that he was saying that.

"But I don't want that."

"Are you sure about that?"

I looked down and shook my head no. "I don't know what I'm thinking right now." I said and sighed deep. I looked back up at them. "She saw Gwen and Luna as well, they talked."

Both Boaz and his wife were shocked to hear this. "How did that go?" he asked.

I huffed. "I demanded them back. A lot has happened in that room. But to make the story short, my daughters are really disappointed in their wolf mother, and now Luna's depressed and Gwen's trying to be strong but I can see she's hurting as well."

"What did Fay do or say that was so horrible?"

I looked at him, kinda angry. "I told them the truth, about our parents."

"Did you really have to do that?"

I huffed. "Fay's a monster, Boaz! She doesn't deserve any of us, it's her own fault!"

"But she just misses you and her girls, if you'd just give her a chance then - "

"Then she'd kill me and take my girls!" I shouted and stood up.

Boaz and his wife stood up as well. "Listen Hazel, I'm not asking you to move in together, because that's the last thing I'd want. But go talk to Fay, I know you want to. And I know you're way stronger than any of her soldiers."

I looked down. "Maybe."

"Come on, go for it, sis!"

I looked up at him and smiled, he hasn't called me that in forever. He smiled as well. I hugged him and afterwards his wife. "Thanks bro."


I got out of my car and looked at the castle, Fay's castle. I sighed deep and changed my appearance. Her soldiers couldn't alarm her.

I walked to the bridge and saw the two soldiers. "Good morning, Miss, can we ask you your reason for visiting this castle?" one of them asked.

I nodded. "I'm here to see the Alpha." I said and smiled politely.

They looked at each other and afterwards at me. "Why do you need to see the Alpha?"

"Because I had to return for our business talk." I said ans showed a fake letter.

They read it quickly and afterwards smiled. "Of course, Miss, we're sorry to have bothered you."

"No, it's fine, you only do your job." I said and smiled politely.

They let the bridge go down and I entered the castle. I followed the directions towards the throne room.

When I finally arrived, I saw her, Fay. She was talking to her first officer and her parents. What was going on there?

I walked closer, they were talking about her meds... Since when was she taking meds? Why was she taking them?

"Mom, I really don't want to take those meds anymore." Fay said, sighing deep.

"You have to, sweetie. You'd go crazy without them, and you know it." her mother said. She had to take meds because of me? Maybe she was crazy and evil because of me... Maybe it was all my fault? What if she never meant a single thing she said that time? What if her parents were the ones to blame?

I cleared my throat to which they all looked up at me.

Fay waved everyone away from her. Her parents went to stand in the corner and her first officer stood in the other corner. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm just here to talk about something."

Fay's eyebrows raised. "Talk about what?"

"About you."

She looked at her first officer and her parents, then back at me. "Who are you?"

I looked at her and changed back to myself.

"Hazel!" she said and stood up. "How...Why...?"

"I'm here to talk Fay, I want to know everything. But I swear one wrong move and I'm out of here forever."

She gulped and nodded.

"Wait a minute! You don't have any right to be here! You're a witch!" her dad said, raising his voice. He stormed towards me and along the way changed into his wolf. He wanted to attack me but Fay went to stand in between us. I had not seen that coming...

"Don't attack her!" she ordered him.

"But Fay, she's - "

"She's my guest, now go away!" she ordered.

He looked down and walked back to Fay's mother.

Fay looked at me. "Let's talk."

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