Chapter 16: Sadness

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Fay's POV

I watched them as they were walking away, all three out of my life. "No, please!" I said, grabbing Hazel's wrist, she couldn't leave again, not with our kids. "Please don't leave again." I said soft, crying.

She looked at me, I couldn't see any emotion in her eyes. She shook off her wrist. "I meant what I said Fay, we're done, face it. Gwen and Luna stay with me and far away from you, you're a monster. Not because you're a wolf, but because you killed all those innocent people."

I looked at her, tears in my eyes. I tried saying something, defending myself, but I knew she was right. I did indeed kill all those innocent people...

"Goodbye Fay."

I looked down, I couldn't see this.

When I heard the door close, I fell to the ground, I literally didn't had the strength to stay up anymore. All my hope, my kids, my wife, everything was gone with that door closing.


Hazel's POV

We arrived back home. When we were all inside, I closed and locked the door. I looked at Gwen and Luna, wanting an explanation. I folded my arms and looked at them.

Gwen looked at Luna and afterwards at me. "We're sorry, mom." she said to which Luna looked at her. "We just really wanted to get to know our other mother, but I guess we never really thought about all the bad things she has done."

Luna looked down, she really seemed to have a hard time with this.

I sighed deep. "Luna, sweetie, are you alright?"

She didn't look up but sniffled. "I just... I really hoped she'd be as she told me."

I pulled her in for a hug and she immediately pulled me close, crying in my chest. "Shh, it's alright." I said soft, kissing her head.

Gwen hugged me as well and buried her head in my chest as well.

I kept hugging them for a long time, they both were very disappointed. 

I actually never thought Fay would say what she said. She really told me her feelings... She never did until now, what changed?

I looked at my kids. Could they have been this good influence on her? Maybe she really missed them? Maybe all she ever wanted was a family? But how could I know that for sure? I didn't want her to kill me and take away my kids from my lifeless hands...

I sighed deep. "Let's get some sleep."

Gwen and Luna looked up, they were both crying. It really broke my heart, seeing them like this. "H-how c-can we s-sleep a-after tonight?" Luna sniffled. "I-I c-can't believe s-she l-lied to m-me."

"M-me n-neither."

They both cried again and hugged me again. I sighed deep, maybe they should see Fay again? So Fay could explain it... Or maybe Fay never should've come in their lives. Everything was fine until they met her... That's it, they just need to forget about her.

"Hey, shh, I'm here." I said soft, kissing their heads. "Do you two want to sleep in mommy's bed?"

They looked up and smiled a little. "Mom, we're not five anymore." Gwen said, wiping away her tears.

"I don't mind, I want to sleep in mommy's bed." Luna said and hugged me again.

Gwen shrugged and hugged me as well.

I smiled. "Come on, girls, let's go."

We went upstairs and to our rooms, they got dressed in pajamas before coming to my room. We all got in bed. I laid in the middle and they both laid on another half of me. They quickly fell asleep.

When they were asleep, I smiled and sighed in relieve. I'm happy everything ended well but what Fay said... It stayed on my mind. Did she really mean what she said? Did she really...miss me? Did she really still... love me?


Fay's POV

Crying, that's all I did these past hours.

I just couldn't stop crying. Just today I felt like I had everything. I had my baby girls back, Luna and Gwen. We were all talking, having fun, hugging... It's all I ever wanted with my beautiful girls.

And yet... Everything got taken away from me when Hazel showed up. I should be mad at her, extremely mad at her. And I was, but I just couldn't stay mad when I saw her. When I saw her, all I did was look at her beauty. My heart beat faster and I knew she's the one for me, my mate.

My own mate, the thing every wolf desired. And mine didn't even wanted me. At least that's what's she's saying. Because my wolf feels the way she's feeling, she still loves me, she still... wants me.

But seeing my mate and my kids walking away out of my life again, it was too much to handle. I just can't take it anymore.

All this pain... I'm sick and tired of it. Why do I still fight? What do I get with it?

When morning came, my parents entered the room and saw me crying onto the floor. They hurried to me and pulled me in for a hug. They probably have heard about what happened last night...

"Fay," mom said, making me look at her. "We heard everything."

"What can we do, honey?" dad asked, they both looked so sad.

I cried and cried, I was too sad to even try to stop crying. "I w-want them b-back!"

Mom caressed my face and kissed my head several times. "Shh honey, it's alright. Mommy's here." she said as she pulled me in for a hug.

Dad hugged me as well and together, we sat down onto the ground, just hugging.

Mom made me look at her again. "Hey, it's alright, stop crying." she said, wiping away my tears. Dad gave her a tissue and so mom used that to wipe away my tears.

"H-how is it a-alright?"

"Because you haven't lost anything." dad said to which mom nodded.


"Listen, Fay, I know you want your kids back - "

"My kids and mate!"

They both gulped, they really hated Hazel. Ever since the war had started, I think even before that they hated her. I guess they never really liked her big mouth. She always talked back. But that's what I loved so much about her.

"Alright, we know you want them back and you'll get them back if you just keep strong." dad said, caressing my cheek. "You have to. If not for yourself, then do so for your kids, mate and your people. You did it all these years, you can do it now as well."

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