Chapter 19: Mating

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Gwen's POV

I watched her expression change. I've seen everything: shock, surprise, anger, sadness... I wonder what she thinks about everything...

"So," I said after a while. "What do you think?"

Robyn sighed deep. "That's a lot, Gwen."

I looked down and nodded. "I know, I'm sorry, I should've told you immediately. But I was scared to lose you."

Robyn made me look at her again. "Hey, it's alright. I'm not mad."

"You aren't?"


I smiled, she was so amazing. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I mean I'm surprised to hear that, but my feelings for you don't change. I love you, Gwen, and nothing will change that." she said and kissed me deeply.

I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer. "I love you too, Robyn."


After school, Luna and me arrived home, expecting to see mom but she wasn't there.

"Mom?" I shouted through the house. "Mom!"

Luna and me looked everywhere but she wasn't here. "Where could she be?" Luna asked to which I shrugged.

"Let's order pizza." I tired getting her attention away from mom for now.


We ordered pizza and watched some tv together. When the pizza arrived, we ate it while watching tv. 

Around 10 pm, we went to bed.


I woke up the next day. I walked to Luna's room and there she was, sleeping peacefully. "Hey, wake up." I said as I shook her gently.

She slowly opened her eyes. "I don't want to!"

"You have to." I said and took off her sheets. "Come on, get up."

Luna groaned but got up. We got dressed and went to mom's room, but she wasn't there. "G-Gwen, where's m-mom?"

I gulped, I had a bad feeling about this. "I don't know, but don't worry, I'm sure it's alright." I said and took Luna with me downstairs. I made us some breakfast and we ate it.

"Gwen, where's mom?"

I looked at Luna, she was really scared. "Hey, don't worry, we have a very strong mom. She can handle herself. Besides, she's probably with granddad or at the castle."

"For the whole night?"

I knew that was a weird thing to do, even for mom. She would never let us be home alone. "Listen, I'm sure tonight she'll be home and everything will be alright."


I smiled. "I promise. Come on, let's go to school now."


Hazel's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and sighed deep. I hadn't slept so great in forever! I nuzzled back in the sheets and that's when I felt a soft wind on my right ear.

I looked at my right and was shocked to see Fay there, her head lying onto my right shoulder.

I cursed inside, what happened? I remembered coming here, talking to her, kissing her... The kiss! Her wolf took over... And I let her!

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