Chapter 13: My wolf mom

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Luna's POV

My wolf mom, that's how I'm going to call her! My wolf mom watched as everyone left the room. Eventually it was only the two of us.

She looked back at me and smiled. "So, I've heard you already transformed into a wolf?"

I nodded. "Only recently, I only recently knew I was a wolf."

She looked at me. "You never knew that you were a wolf?"

I shook my head no. "At least now I know why I never really felt at home. I mean, mom and Gwen are great, but they're witches. I'm not like them."

She nodded. "I know. It must've been so hard for you." she said as she caressed my cheek. "I'm so proud of you. You transformed into a wolf all by yourself."

I smiled. "Dawn helped me."

"Was she the girl who was holding on to you?"

I nodded. "She's my mate."

Wolf mom smiled. "I'm happy for you."

I smiled as well. "I'm happy I finally got to meet my other mom, I knew I was more like you."

She smiled and kissed my head again. "I'm so so happy I finally found you. You have no idea how long I've been looking for you and your sister, Gwen. I searched all these years for you two."

"What about mom?"

She groaned. "She took you two away from me! I never thought she'd do that but she did."

I hugged her again, wanting to calm her, and it worked. "I just want us to be a family."

"I'd love that." she said and kissed my head again. "Hey, Luna."

"Yes, mom?" I asked careful, it was so weird calling her mom. But she seemed to like it a lot.

"Can you show me your wolf form?"

I nodded and backed off, changing into wolf. I looked at her.

"Wow, Luna, you're beautiful." she said as she changed as well. I looked a lot like her wolf. "You really are my daughter."

I smiled and walked to her.

"You want to go for a run?"

I nodded.

"Follow me." she said and ran. I ran after her, but she was so fast! We ran through the whole castle until we went outside to the garden. She changed back into human. "That was nice."

I changed back as well. "Yeah, but exhausting." I said and laid down in the grass.

She smiled but looked down. "Hey Luna, do you have a picture of Gwen? I'd like to see how she is now."

I sat up and looked at her, she really missed us. I can't believe she searched us all these years... I took my phone and let her see a picture of the both of us.

She smiled but started crying as well. "You two are so beautiful, and I've missed everything."

I hugged her tight. "We're here now."

"Gwen's not here. And she'll probably hate me because your mom has told you two that I'm dangerous and evil and whatever she thinks of me." she said and sniffled. "All I wanted was for us four to have a normal family life."

I smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah, but once your mom gave birth to you, she suddenly disappeared and I never knew why. I was so heartbroken all these years. You have no idea." she said as she looked down, she was playing with something.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the thing she was playing with.

She took it off and gave it to me. "My wedding ring."

I gasped. "Is this yours and mom's?" I asked to which she nodded.

"I never have taken it off. She means the world to me, even though we're in a war." she said as she looked down.

I looked at it, it was indeed their wedding ring. I gave it back and looked at her. "I can talk to them, if you want."

She shook her head no. "They'll hate me more anyway. I'm already very happy that I finally have you. I hope I can hug Gwen sometime, but I know I lost her and your mom."

"No, that's not true. Please let me help you."

She shook her head no. "Please don't. I don't want to lose you." she said and hugged me tight.

We kept hugging like that for a very long time, I really think she was very lonely all these years. That must be the reason why mom thinks she's crazy, evil, dangerous... Because she didn't know all wolf mom wanted was mom...

After a while I had to go home. Wolf mom didn't want me to but I promised to get back tomorrow, and I will. It was so amazing to finally have hugged my wolf mom...

As I arrived home, I saw mom making dinner, and Gwen was sitting on someone's lap. How long was I gone?

"Hey Luna." Gwen said, smiling. That's a big smile.

"Hey, who's this?" I asked as I motioned to the strange girl.

Gwen looked at her and smiled big. "This is Robyn, my girlfriend... and mate."

My eyes widened. "Really?"

Gwen nodded. "I know it's fast but it happened to you too, right?"

I nodded. Even though my relationship with Dawn happened fast, it was such a strong relationship. We're mates and life partners, and I love her so much.

"Hey Luna, how was your day?" mom asked as she served us all. I wonder if she knew how much wolf mom still loved her... Mom must be lonely too, but she has us to take away that pain. Wolf mom had no one...

"It was fine." I said and started eating.

After dinner, Gwen and Robyn were making out at the door. Gwen was really happy with Robyn nearby. I'm happy for her.

I was in my room, just reading when suddenly Gwen entered. "So," she said as she closed the door. She laid down next to me. "Are you going to tell me why you're acting so strange?"

I looked at her. "What do you mean?"

She gave me a look. "You know what I mean."

I sighed deep. "It's nothing, really."

She scooted closer. "Hey, what's wrong?"

I sat up too and looked at her. "Promise me you'll keep quiet to mom."

She looked at me and nodded. "I promise."

"Good, well uhm..." I sighed deep, how was I going to tell this?

"Oh my God, Luna, no."

I looked at her. "What?"

"Is it..."


"Dawn's pregnant, isn't she?"

My eyes widened immediately. "No, she's not! Why do you think that?"

"Because you are acting so stressed out and weird, what else could it be?" she asked, chuckling a little.

I sighed deep. "I found our wolf mom."

Book II: Two different worldsWhere stories live. Discover now