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So what is there around here that's fun?

Well... there's the karaoke machine in the Common Room.

That does sound like fun. Let's go play.

... Okay...


Charms eventually woke up, the room was dark but Kid was now next to her fast asleep. She smirked at herself, she must've dozed off.

"Sweet dreams, Kid." She gave Kid a light peck on the forehead and eventually made her way back to her own room. Cameron wasn't asleep, but he was under the covers and was reading one of his leisure books.

He watched her come back in, "you were gone a while," he informed looking back to his book.

Charms yawned. "I fell asleep," she replied as she lifted the covers and laid down next to him, "and you're meant to be asleep too."

"I couldn't," he replied putting the book down and laying a little tighter on his side of the bed and closed his eyes.

Charms smirked as she found her mind asking very odd questions, "hey Cameron..."


"Do you ever think of having your own kid?"

Cameron opened one of his eyes, "why are we talking about this, Charms?"

Charms shrugged, "I just like the idea of having one."

Cameron went to face her. "You're literally the one who told me you didn't want to have any kids," he explained. And she did, he remembered it distinctly after one mission involving a mother destroying her own child's ability to be independent by literally breaking their ability to think. That kid is now in some hospital somewhere with nurses 24/7 because he doesn't know how to eat, or go to the toilet or even the walk, all he does is stand there and stare.

Cameron did indeed try to explain to her that not all kids would end up like that, but she didn't want her own child to live in a world with the line of work she was doing.

So hearing her say this made Cameron raise an eye brow at it.

Charms shrugged at his statement, "I know I said that, but..."

Cameron smirked, "how about you think about that. Because if you want one, I'm not going to help you out with that at the moment."

Charms rolled her eyes. "Fine whatever," she said as Cameron closed his eyes to sleep, "I'm sure Jesse would make cuter babies anyway."

Cameron's eyes shot open and Charms gave him a cheeky smiled, but quickly added, "I'm kidding."

"Yeah you better be," he replied climbing on top of her. Charms giggling as he started kissing her again and they picked up where they left off.


After breakfast, most simply went to the common room since it seemed to be a quiet day. Cameron disappeared with the other researchers to help them translate, while Charms went with Jesse to go look at a local town that had some stray Shades upsetting some of the farms. When Mary asked Jason why it wasn't Mary and Charms like usual or one of the ringleaders and Charms or herself, he gave a very vague, or even didn't, answer.

Goldie went to turn the TV on, but instead of a TV screen they got the menu for the karaoke machine. He raised an eye brow, "Did someone play karaoke and not invite me?" he asked rather accusingly and annoyance laced in his voice.

Mary had been reading a magazine and dropped it to look at the TV. "Even if you had been playing there wouldn't have been much competition," Kimberly countered as she lingered over the karaoke box.

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