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From observation, Live seemed just as excited by the surroundings as Kid was when they first met. Live was constantly wandering off, looking at the odd stalls, starting conversations with strangers. She pat any animal that was free roaming and even picked up a runaway toddler, twirling her around before giving her back to her mother.

Neon trudged behind her, his hands in pockets, his body language slouched so that nobody would pay too much attention to him.

The Travellers hadn't told him whether or not it was safe for his face to be in public, so his hoodie often times stayed on his head unless Live got cheeky and yanked it off. Often pulling himself into a stunned embrace and once hiding herself in his large coat.

Neon was constantly on edge. He looked over his shoulder, expecting to see Jason or Mary within the crowd looking at him, waiting for the pair to be alone before practically kidnapping them again.

Live stood at a store and smiled as she looked at several of the foods on display, they seemed to be cakes.

Neon looked from one set of crowds to the next, but the streets were littered with them. Children played in the streets, chasing each other or racing to get to the other side. Adults were busy getting ready for night time by putting fireflies in lanterns and getting ready to hang them.

When Neon turned around, he saw Live talking to several tween boys. They all seemed eager to talk to her and looked like they were hanging on each of her sweet words. By the time Neon walked over to her, the boys had started running away.

"What was that all about?" Neon asked watching them run.

She gave him a smile, "I just told them I wanted something sweet."

As if those words were made fire, someone started bellowing out the words, "Thief! Thieves!"

Live smirked, "Sounds like they're calling your trademark," she giggled. The boys started running towards them and continued past them as an angry woman, armed with a rolling pin, gave chase and soon guards started running as well.

"Start running," she laughed grabbing his arm and pulling him along with her and the boys.

They mixed into the crowd, and Neon was soon running from guards and an overweight pastry chef through the streets of Delco City.

He cursed as people in the streets parted for the running thieves, only two of the poor boys were stopped by pedestrians and eventually by the guards.

The remainder of them continued running. Neon knew better than to stop to help a fellow thief, it was yourself and only you on the streets, never about anybody else.

In Neon's time he knew that the thieving groups that were always caught was because one person always slowed the rest of them down and then they were eventually caught.

But Neon didn't have to slow down for Live, he actually had to speed up to keep up with her. She bolted in speed that exceeded Neon's and any of the other thieves. As they all ran, they came to the more deserted streets where thieves often hid.

But whoever was in the streets at that moment scrambled when the running thieves came into view and the guards soon after them.

The thieving hiding strategy hadn't changed while Neon was away. Everybody went into a protocol of either buildings or scrambling down alleyways to climb the fire escapes to hide or run.

Live continued running down the large road with the other thieves, some of them started breaking off.

One of the younger thieves ran alongside her. She glanced over to them and smiled as she gave a great stomp to the ground, making a shadow erupt from the ground and catching his ankle and making him stumble and eventually fall over.

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