Chapter 19

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"You've really, really gotta stop appearing in doorways!" I wailed.

Carlisle chuckled. "Sorry."

"Uh, Bella?" Esme spoke from behind me. "Me and the girls have to go hunting..."

"What?" I was horrified. "No!"

"I'm sorry, Bella, I'll be back soon," she said, walking out the door.

I ran after her, Carlisle trailing after me. "No! Please!"

"I'm sorry, I have to," she hugged me one last time and disappeared.

"NOO!" I screamed, running out the door.

She was nowhere in sight.

"MOMMY!" I roared, hoping she would hear me and come running back.

She didn't.  Suddenly someone came and picked me up from behind, making me cry out in surprise.

"Hush, Bella. Es-Mommy's gone," Edward said calmly.

I turned to look at him, and somehow, I knew that it was him. I threw my arms around his neck and smiled. He sighed in relief.

"Bella, it's time for bed. Take a bath, first, though," Carlisle took me from Edward.

As if on queue, I yawned and blushed bright red. They chuckled before the air rushed past me and I was suddenly in my abnormally huge bathroom.

"Once you've showered and brushed your teeth, go straight back to sleep, okay?" Carlisle ordered.

I nodded.

"Goodnight, sweetie," he kissed my head and disappeared, locking the door behind him.

I did what he said and fell asleep straight away, only to be woken up screaming by a disastrous nightmare. Everyone (well, every guy) was in my room at once, looking alarmed. Even Emmett and Jasper.

"What is it?" asked Emmett, posing as a soldier.

I giggled through tears. "I h-h-had a n-nightmare."

Emmett relaxed. "Oh. We thought someone was attacking you."

Carlisle sat on my bed stroking my hair. "Go to sleep, Bella, Mommy'll be back soon."

"Really?" I perked up.

"Really," he said sincerely.

"Okay," I snuggled back under my covers and with that, I was out like a light. Crying was exhausting.


I hope you enjoyed it! I think I'm pampering you with too many quick updates, but whatever. My school starts on the 26th, so when it starts updates will be quite slow! I hope you understand... but I will get as many chapters up as possible before then!







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