Little Red Riding What!? (Roc Royal Story)

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Me..... 15 year old Rose Delihiah. All I've ever wanted was love. Every girl in my school has it. Even my best friend and she doesn't mind rubbing it in my face either. I'm just the girl who lives all the way at the dead end of the road. Right beside the woods. THOSE woods. The woods my father walked into and had never came out again. The woods that I have to cross to get to the little island in the middle of the pond to get to my grandmother's house. My sweet lovely old grandmother. My wonderful father's mother. Every time I step foot in the those woods, I want to fall down and cry. Knowing that I could be standing in the exact spot my father had his faith in. Feeling that there's always somebody watching me. Most the love I've ever had is gone. It was my father who gave me it. And for now I'll reside as the unloved girl who lives down the street beside the woods. THOSE woods. The woods that one of the only people who really loved me walked into amd never came out.

But I have to find love someday. Right?

(6:30 pm, Rose's house)

Rose's POV

I was sitting in the kitchen watching all the lights of the city illuminate the pretty blue and rosy pink summer sky. It was beautiful. How I would long to be called that again by somebody other than my grandmother. I love her and all but I don't get the spark I used to get when my father called me it. Oh how I miss him d-

"Rose!", my mother called interupting my thoughts. "Your grandmother wants you to come to her house! She said its important!"

I frowned at the thought of going through the woods and then slightly smiled of the thought of seeing my grandmother. As soon as I got on my sweater, shoes, and my favorite red sleeveless cape and started walking outside, the cool air hit me and I once again frowned. What did she mean by important? Did her docter tell her she was gonna die soon? He came a few weeks ago and announced she's doing well.

If you really take a look at what I'm thinking you'd realized I don't have a very nice mind. And I admit it. Most of my thoughts are pretty negative. But when the most important person in your life goes ahead and dies on you, then come back and tell me you still have happy thoughts. And if you still do, honestly your an idiot and you really never did love that person. You just THINK you did.

I took a deep breath and quickly started scurrying threw the woods as quickly and quietly as possible. If I didn't do it that way, how would I be able to know if someone was walking somewhere around me? 15 minutes later I'm standing at the little rope and wooden bridge that will cross me over to my grandmother's house. I can see the house from here. Its only a few yards away. Why am I always so scared to cross it?

I slowly stepped onto it and began tip-toeing across. I probably always look like an fool while doing this, but what's better? Getting across safely and unharmed or accidently snapping the whole thing and drowning to your death? And trust me, this pond's pretty deep. I really don't see how my grandmother just walks along it with ease.

I finally made it across, sighed of relief, and put on a big smile. I had once again made it across. I stepped up to the door and knocked.

"Come in!",said a small timid voice.

I walked into the house, quickly shut the door, and turned around to take a whiff of the delicious smelling air. Chocolate fudge cookies, turkey, cranberry juice?! My grandmother is never gonna fail to disapoint me. I walked into the warm kitchen where the scents was even stronger. I turned around to see my grandmother making 2 plates of food and wiggling to an old tune on the radio. She's a silly woman. I walked up to her as she turned around and gasped. She engulfed me in a hug and started to sniff. She took off her glasses and wiped them on her apron, fixed them back on her face, and stared at me.

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