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(7:35 pm, Pierre Baptist Chruch)

Rose's POV

"Rose! The makeup artist is here!"

"Let them in!"

The dressing room swung open and a caramel skinned woman with stylish purple coveralls rushed in. Pretty. But she was late. I had only less than an hour 'till the wedding started. I stood up and peeked out one of the window, where we were behind the back of the stage. Everybody was talking to family and friends and some were enjoying the little finger foods we had laid out.

I gulped and turned around only to see her laying out a makeup kit full of things I didn't know of.

"Sit down, sweetie. I'm just looking for a few tools or start with. My name is Kiara by the way."

I sat down in a chair beside her and waiting a minute for her to be done. Suddenly, she grabbed my face by the cheeks pushed it in all sorts of directions, mumbling a few things along with hmm and huh. Finally, she let my face go as my cheeks went pink. My mother gave me a small smile.

"Woo! We have a lot of work to do here!" She said. "Your skin... it's just so pale! And god we have to do something about that hair! But don't worry! I have something to fix that."

I scrunched up my face at her insulting words and turned to my mother as she squeezed my shoulder. Kiara powdering my face as I kept my eyes shut. She smeared lipstick and lip gloss on my lips and put makeup on my eyes. 15 minutes later, she was done with everything. She stood back and marveled at my face.

"You look beautiful." She smiled.

"Thank you."

My mother tightened my dress as I stood up. I looked in the mirror and stared at someone I didn't know. And I definitely know that Chresanto didn't fall in love with her.

"Well?" My mother asked.

"You guys did a great job."

I gave them a tight smile and shooed them out. I walked over to the chair and eventually fell asleep.

I was woken up by my mother softly shaking my shoulder.

"It's time." She whispered.

I nodded as she walked out the room. I began to walk out the room myself, but quickly turned around and grabbed a wipe from the makeup and wiped the guck off of my face.

I walked to the beginning of the aisle behind the doors. Kiara smiled at me, but quickly pursed her lips as she looked at my face. I turned to my mother as she handed me my flowers. She kissed my forehead and teared up a little bit.

"Your father would be so proud of you right now." She said quietly. "My only baby."

I bit my lip and nodded. They pushed the doors open for me and I bowed my head so my veil would conceal my face. As I walked slowly down the aisle, I thought about what my mother said. I'm walking down the aisle by myself today when my father should be here with me. I wish he was here with me.

I walked in front of Chresanto and he took off my veil while I smiled at him. The pastor read the vows and we kissed. Everybody got up and clapped as Chresanto and I started to kiss again.

Eventually we cut the cake and at as we sat at a table. It was a small wedding because both of us barely have any family members. I met a few of his family members and his friends and made small talk. A few of them gave me some bad looks, but I wasn't going to let it ruin my mood.

Afterwards, when it was late evening and a third of the people left, I sat back with Chresanto and he took my hand.

"Let's get out of here." He mumbled.

I smiled and we walked to the front doors and pushed them open. As soon as we walked out, Everything went in slow motion. I was pushed high into the air and I let go of Chresnato. I felt heat all around me and heard cloth burning. I only remember hitting my head hard when I landed.

When I woke up, I started coughing hard and I smelled smoke and fire. I looked behind me and saw the front of the church in flames. Chresanto crawled up beside me and started coughing as he lay on his stomach. I held my head while it throbbed. The cuffs of his suits were covered in ashes.

"Wh-What happened?"

He began to open his mouth when all of a sudden, his head was knocked over by piece of metal, knocking him out. I started screaming for help as I got up and started looking around for someone.

I dragged him over to the curb and stare shaking him and yelling his name. He started to breath hard and he looked up at me.

"I... I don't know-"

"It's OK. It's OK." I whispered.

He put his hand on my stomach and rubbed it.


"Alright." I said.

He looked at the church. "Do you know wh-who did this?"

"No. It had to be somebody that was at the wedding. Wuh-we have to find them before they do this again. They could kill us."

He looked at me with short breaths and stroked back my hair.

"I think I know where to start."

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