Set up

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(5:00 pm, Unknown Location)

Jacob's POV

I sat in the seat across from this new boss of mine as he and his assistant sat across from me. The fact that he was extremely big kept running through my head as I looked at him.

They were quietly talking as I kept going through the small plan we had for her. Call her. All I had to do after that was watch her reaction while her eyes would light up in multiple emotions.

They turned to me as they finished up their conversation.

"So Jacob... Again we meet." The big man said. "We're all here for one thing. To eliminate this girl. If we succeed this is all yours."

He through a few bands of hundreds on the table. My father's shoes were worth more than that. He must be taking me for a fool. I leaned back and snickered.

"What's so funny boy? Speak up!" He roared.

But the roar was expected. After I learned what an extraordinary yet digusting breed of creature he is, I understood why he acted the way he did.

"Are you kidding me? What's this?" I laughed as I flapped a band full of bills in his face. My father's tie costs more!"

He groaned as he sighed.

"Fine, pretty boy. Have it your way."

He pulled out a suitcase and opened it. Inside of there was a lot of money, but for me, it was more like pocket change. I snickered as he frowned.

" What's so funny now!? Huh!?" He yelled as he rose out of his seat.

"This right here sir... is pocket change. There's nothing I can do with it."

He growled as I stroked my chin.This should be good.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. Just a smidge. He smirked. I still had the upper hand.

"Ok. You can have as much as you want when I'm finished with you." He said.

I chuckled and smiled to myself.

I was getting my way.

(5:30 pm, Craig's House)

Craig's POV

"And then he-he just wouldn't stop. A-and he kept trying to get me to the bed. And then he slit my throat! And...."

I felt so sad about how bad Jacob played with Rose's heart. This was suppose to be my girl. My girl only. And I just might have lost my chance. Just because of Jacob.

Now she's been here at my house rambling on and on about her horrible visit to Jacob's house for the past month. And everytime, she cries about it. I knew I should have just asked her out. I was too scared this whole time and now look what it caused. None of this would have happened if I did so.

It was still nice for her trying to cuddle next to me on my basement couch.

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her hair. I slowly bought up her chin so she can face me, and I stroked her cheek.

"Rose it's gonna be okay." I said for about the millionth time this month.

But I could never get tired of reassuring her.

She was hurt. Broken. And I needed to be the one to to save her. I'd it wasn't me, I'd lose my chance to get her. Again.

"Rose..." I said quietly.

I bought her chin up to my face.

"Rose, it's time to stop. Everyday, I come to pick you up, and you come over and vent and cry over the same thing. I mean, it's not like I don't like having you over, I mean I love having you over and all, but I need you to stop. It's time to get over him. I know that Jacob's not the best person, but this is just a phase. You're right, he was wrong for what he did, but it's over. He's gone."

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