Moving On

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(12:00 pm, Redlock Hospital)

Rose's POV

When I woke up, the lights in front of me were blinding. I tried to move around to only find tubes connected to me from left and right.

"She's awake."

No! I'm in hospital! Well this stinks.

I watched the nurses leave the room and sigh. I picked up the TV remote and turned on the tv and slumped in my bed and flipped through the channels.

"Patrick I-"

"The tiger is-".

"And then you season th-"

"Wolf found in Redlock Pris-"

"But what are we going t-"

I quickly just realized what was on the TV and flipped back to the news channel, taking a sip of my water.

"Citizens of Redlock have now been frightened of the possibility of wild animals invading our homes. Just three days ago, a silver haired wolf mysteriously made it into the Redlock Prison Facility with obvious intentions to make its way out. No people have been harmed during this process. Nobody has been able to catch the wolf yet. We have asked local citizens what they think of this situation."

"I know I've seen it before! It was just outside of my house the day trying to look for something!"

"I ran after me and tried to bite off my arms and legs."

"I say we chop down every forest in this town and remove all the animals into zoos! We have to much trees anyway! Taking up space!"

"The Police Department has provided us with this video caught of the wolf 3 days ago."

As the video played, I knew that I've seen the wolf before. Yet at the moment, nothing of the past few days has been coming to my mind.

"Local animal catchers are still on the look out for this animal. Back to you Jay."

"And as well with the disappearing of this wolf, the has been a finding. Chresanto August, a 21 year old male. Yesterday night we have found his body at an abandoned warehouse a couple of miles from the highway."

My head jerked up and I spit out my water when I heard this. Chresanto was out from jail? When was this? Was he dead? I tried to put the pieces together as the man kept talking.

"Yes, a very interesting story indeed. Yesterday evening, quite a peculiar event took place. Wolves and bodies were found at the abandoned warehouse off of Highway 69. All 7 wolves were pronounced dead. 4 bodies were found. First one belongs to Rose Delihiah, a 20 year old woman who was as well one of the only two survivors of this incident."

My head jerked. So this is what happened little bits of last night flashed through my head as I kept on watching.

"Jerimiah August, a 42 year old male, Chresanto August 21 year old male, and Jacob Perez, another 21 year old male were all found at the scene. Jacob and Jerimiah have been pronouced dead. Chresanto and Rose are currently in the hospital. Both of them will be questioned promptly after they wake up. We still do not have full details."

I remembered Jacob's death yesterday and tears rolled down my eyes. He didn't deserve to die. Even if he did set me up.

But this also meant that Chresanto was in the hospital.

I wanted more information on this. I didn't even remember Chresanto being there.

I began to get up when pain shot through my leg. I looked forward, only to find my ankle wrapped up in bandages.

I slowly slid out of bed and grabbed on to the heart rate machine next to me. I hopped over to the door pulling it open and looking from side to side. Nobody in the hallway. Good.

I hopped down the hallway as quietly as I could until I stopped and looked around. I didn't even know what room he was in. I reluctantly wobbled back to my room checking the door number before walking in. 215. I'm on the 2nd floor. Great.

A few hours later, I kept my eyes on the weather channel while the nurse rambled on about who knows what.


I took my eyes off the TV and looked at my mother, who came up to me and hugged me. I smiled at her as she sat down in the chair next to the bed.

"Sweetie! How are you doing?"

"Just fine. My ankles in bad pain though. And the fact that I'm in the hospital."

"It's OK! The doctors said that you're able to come home tomorrow anyway!"

My face froze its smile in place as I kept staring at her, keeping what she she said in my head. That's means I only have about 24 hours to find Chresanto. Shit...

"I can't wait."

"Oh sweetheart me neither. I haven't felt right without you around."

We conversed for a little until the doctors came and told her to go while they run a few tests on me. I gave her hug as her tears slip down my back through the hospital gown. She waved and left as I sighed. I felt the doctor put her hand on my shoulder and weakly smile down at me.

"It's going to be OK. Now I'll be back in an hour so we can run we a few tests. Is there anything you need before I go?"

Some advice. Actually on that thought...

"May I have the phone?"


She handed me the phone before leaving. I picked it up and dialed a number I haven't dialed in a while.


"Hi Grandmother." I smiled. "It's Rose."

(10:00pm, Rose's house)

Rose's POV

I clicked the finish payment on my laptop screen and printed the receipt and application forms. I quickly filled out the papers with a blue pen and ran downstairs watching my mother drink some tea at the dining room table. Suddenly I got scared. I didn't want to do this anymore. But it's for my own good. I just didn't want to hurt her.

I slowly walked toward her and sat down with the papers in my hand. She smiled and looked at me.

"Hi Rose. I was just about to get to bed. Would you like some tea?"

She held up her teapot.

I quickly shook my head. I hardened my clutch around the papers.

"Mom. I'm going to need your full attention. Just hear me out. Please."

She slowly looked up at me worried and put her cup down. I cleared my throat and mustered up the little bit of courage I had left.

"Mom... It's not your fault or anything for this. It's just me. I think I've been through a bit to much for me to handle. And I can't handle a lot."

"W-what are you trying to say?"

She weakly smiled at me while light tears formed in her eyes. Oh mom...

"I... I'm moving out. I have to. I can't live here anymore. Especially next to these woods. First dad, and then I locked up my own boyfriend, people spying on me! And I have to go to college in a couple of weeks! It's just that I-"

She held her hand up to cut me off.

"I understand. It was going to happen sooner or later. It's OK Rose."

I quickly scanned my eyes over her. This woman had been through so much. And I'm the only thing she has left. Dad's gone. She needs me more than I know.

I pursed my lips and did a small nod. She wiped her eyes and whispered a quick goodnight. And I did the same.

Is this really the best decision to make?

Either way, it was time for me to move on.

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