New boy

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3 days later...

(4:30 pm, Unknown location)

Unknown POV

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips to open. When I went back in the living room, he was gone.

I heard a thud upstairs. I ran up into the bathroom. Nothing there. I ran into my mother's bedroom. Nothing there.

I heard a door shut. I ran downstairs. Nothing's changed. I heard another thud, but it echoed.around the whole house. I ran upstairs into my bedroom only to find.... Nothing. That's when I looked on my bed. My eyes widened as I ran back downstairs. I flung the door open, but he was already gone.

(5:00 pm, Redlock Hospital)

Rose's POV

I woke up to the blinding lights that were in front of me. Am I really dead? Is this were faith really sent me?

I held my arm over my head and took a better look around. I was in a room for sure, but what room?

I looked to my left and saw IV tubes attached to my arm and a bunch of white patches were all over me. I saw that they were small bandages. Wait. I don't have any cuts. Or maybe.

"Doctor, she's awake. You may go get the visitor." I heard a voice say.

That's when I felt the cold breeze my neck. I grasped it and screamed. The necklace. It was gone. Again. I frantically looked around and realized I was in the hospital. It was offically gone. It could be anywhere now. And there was nothing I could do about it.

I silently cried as a doctor walked in the room.

"Mrs. Delihiah, you have a visitor. May he come in?"

Chresanto!? Of course he can come in! Somebody has to tell me what's happened.

"Of course." I said.

"I'll bring him in now."

I waited for a few minutes, but nothing happened. I turned to my side only to find-

"JACOB!!?!" I yelled.

"Well that's not a very pleasant to great somebody, Is it?" He said in a cocky tone.

"Where's Chresanto? Where's my Grandmother? What happened!?"

He cleared his throat.

"I believe an appropriate greeting is "Hello"."

Why is he so IGNORANT!!?

"Cut the crap, Jacob. I'm gonna press the button to call the security if you don't tell me what's going on right now! Where is my boyfriend!? Where's my grandmother!? Why the help are you here!?"

"Now darling, everything shall be explained as soon as you can greet me in a correct manner."

He's sooo pissing me off.

"Hello. Jacob." I growled as I gritted my teeth.

"Now that's better, but I believe I would prefer a greeting in a happier tone than that."

"Jacob!" I yelled.

He began laughing. Him and his idiotic self.

"I'm just playing with you. Can you not take a joke?"

I stared at him with an annoyed look as he kept giving me his cocky smirk. I seen him in school often, but I never speak to him. This is our first conversation, yet it isn't going well.

"Are you staring at me, Rose?"

I started to dramatically cough and he just kept staring at me.

"My dear, do you need a cough drop?" He asked.

I just kept staring at him. You can't get any dumber than this, can you?


"Alright. Anyway, what piece of information do you need from me-"


This guy is such a fool.

"Why am I in the hospital!?" I asked.

"Now calm down! You've been out cold for 2 days now."

I grabbed his shirt collar and started shaking him. He took my hands and held them in his. I had to admit, it felt kind of nice.

"You fainted."


"Hush." He said as he silenced me. "Let me speak."

He told me what happened from when the police came. He was walking through the woods until he got in front of my grandmother's bridge. He noticed me because I went to his school and questioned the police officers on what happened. They told him that me and Chresanto were fighting and Chresanto was arrested for abuse. He said my grandmother was just fine and had went to court the other day and Chresanto was now serving 3 years in jail. They took me to the hospital to patch up all the cuts and bruises he gave me.

I cried when I heard this. It really hurt me that Chresanto had gotten arrested. But he did put his hands on me and that was definitely unexpected.

Jacob wrapped his arms around me while I cried. I just felt like I had no one. It was very odd that Jacob of all people would come to see me though.

Yet, his story wasn't adding up to me. Why was he walking in the woods in the first place? I've never seen him there.

When he patted my back, I started to bawl even more.

"What happened?" He said.

"Muh-mu-My.... necklace..."

"This thing?" He said as he held up my necklace.

My mouth opened in shock as I grabbed it and started to hug him.

"Ok ok. I know you happy, but I just got the coat. I can't have you putting wrinkles in it." He whined.

I stopped hugging him for a second and slapped him playfully on the arm.

He bent down and picked up a leather bag, handing it to me. I gave him a look of confusion as he motioned for me to open it.

Another suprise. Inside was my red cape. I took it out and looked at it in awe. He was so sweet. He repaired it. All the tears and spots were gone!

I gave him another hug. When I pulled away, I could of swore his cheeks were pink with blush, but then again, my eyesight was still blurry.

"I mended it when I bought it home. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." I said smiling.

I folded it back into its case as he stood up with his hands in his pockets.

"I guess i'll be leaving now. I wouldn't want mother to be worried." He shrugged.

"Aww... Well thank you anyway Jacob. I hope to see you again."

"You too."

He walked out, leaving me all alone again. I sighed and reached onto to the small dresser next to me, expecting to pick up a glass of water, but instead picking up something smaller.

"Call me if you need anything."


He left me his phone number! He's so sweet. I guess I shouldn't have judged him so harshly by the way he acts in school.

Makes me wish that Chresanto was here even more.

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