Rooftop Love

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(3:15 PM, New York City Subway)

Chresanto's POV

I landed on my feet and started using my super speed to run as I heard Rose's screams to come back go away behind me. It hurt me to go against her word, but I see how she acts over that necklace. And I know how it feels to lose something important to you. Or someone. And it hurts. Nobody knows how it feels unless you've experienced it before. Everybody says they do, but most of the time it's a lie. They never know.

I kept running and looking all around for something shiny. But nothing came up. I felt like giving up until I tripped over a train track and busted my chin on the ground. Shit that hurt.

I looked in front of me and guess what I saw? Well.... the necklace. What else?

I snatched it up as I stood and admired it. It was still beautiful even cover in little pebbles and dirt. I dusted my clothes off, turned around, and started to inspect the necklace for any dents, scratches, etc.

Suddenly, a cool breeze came around me as I looked from side to side. Nothing. I kept looking at the necklace as the breeze got stronger and I heard a faint whistling noise. I thought it wasn't serious until I turned around and saw 2 lights coming at me.

I wanted to scream, but I knew there was no time for that. I started to use my super speed for an easy getaway as I ran.

Then, the wind got stronger and the whistling got louder. I turned around and saw the train getting closer. I realized that my super speed had chose that moment to turn off.

I kept trying to start it up as the train kept getting closer. I held onto the necklace like there I was holding onto my life.

As the train made the space between us even smaller to around 10 feet, I thought about how the hell my life was going to end like this. I would never have a family. A wife. Children. I would never be a husband, let alone boyfriend.

I thought about my mother and how much time she tried to spend with me. I thought about my father and how much he thought me about life. I finally thought about Rose. I thought about what would happen if I left her all alone. What would happen? Her smile, eyes, hair, laugh, everything. She's perfect. And I have to do this for her.

I stopped and did a super jump onto the top of the train and sat down in relief.

Don't worry Rose. I'm fine.

(3:40 pm, New York City Subway Exit)

Rose's POV

I stood in front of the door, shaking. Shaking because I was scared. If anything happened to Chresanto, I would murder myself. I'm just head over heels for him. And I wouldn't be able to bestow it upon myself to accept that.

Suddenly, a pair of soft, giant hands covered my eyes from behind me.

"Miss me much?" The voice said.

I knew who that was. And I couldn't be happier at the moment.

I turned around and kissed him for a long time as he got caught off guard. I felt him return the necklace around my neck as I sighed. I gave him a bear hug and stared into his eyes.

"Yes Chresanto. Yes I would love to be your girlfriend." I said.

For the rest of the day, we had a wonderful time. First, we went to get a new clasp for the necklace at the Jewelery store. Next, we on a ferry ride to the Statue of Liberty. Then, we walked over the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges. We went to the Chrysler Building, Twin Towers, World Trate Center, Wall Street, Broadway, Empire State Building, and many other places. Along the way we sneaked kisses, took pictures, and bought souvenirs to remember this day by.

Now, we were sitting in a rooftop restaurant, outside, looking at the stars. We came and ate cake here for his birthday. He was 16 now. I felt so tiny.

It would be time to go any minute now, but I just wanted the moment to last forever. I felt him staring at me and I smiled. He slipped his hand into mine and intertwined our fingers. I felt my body get warm and turn pink. I was blushing. AGAIN. Why can't he be the one blushing?



"Why'd you go after the necklace? You didn't have to, you know?" I smiled.

He smiled back at me and spoke again.

"I know how it feels to lose something you love. You really don't deserve the type of pain you would go through if you didn't get it."

"Well then how did you survive that jump? I could've swore you were dead."

"Rose! I'm fine. Isn't that the important thing?"

"Yeah, but-"

He put his finger over my lips, took it off, gave me a kiss, and smiled.

"Then you have nothing to worry about."

After that, I took him back to my grandmother's house. We stopped at the front door as we stared at each other. All of a sudden, I remembered his gift I bought him. I went in my purse and took out a black velvet box.

"What's that?" He asked as he scrunched up his eyebrows.

"Just a birthday present-"

"No Rose. You've already given me the most exciting and best birthday anybody's ever given me. I don't need anymore."

"Thank you Chres! But this is the last gift OK?"

"But Rose-"



"Yay. Now turn around and close your eyes."

He did as I asked as I opened the box and placed the gold necklace around his neck.

"Now turn around and open your eyes."

He did what I told him and looked down at me.

"What now?"

"Silly! Its around your neck!"

He looked down and saw the gold chain with his name on it. He smiled and bent down and gave me a kiss.

"Thanks Rose. I love it, but I gotta go now."

"Kay. Bye."


He bent down and gave me a peck before going inside.

That night, I ran all the way home. I jumped on my bed, tired as heck. And I had the best sleep I've had in 6 years. I think I'm in love.

I just love love! Don't you?

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