Story Twist

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(9:00 am, Rose's Grandmother's house)

Chresanto's POV

"RRRRRRRIIIINNNNNGGG!!" Went the alarm clock. Suddenly I slammed my hand on top of it, smashing it into pieces and bits. I cracked open my eyes a bit and slowly turned my head to look at my hand. I lifted it up and saw a piece of glass and a nail in my palm. I took a deep breath and blew hard on it, causing the bits to fall out.

I blinked my eyes a few times before slowly dragging myself away from the bed. I slugged into the bathroom and splashed water all over my face and looked in the mirror. My eyes were a dark shade of yellow, my hair was more course than usual, and there was a light cover of hair on my hands. Damn. I had a transformation overnight. I wonder what damage I've done.

I brushed my teeth and walked out the bathroom. Everything looked fine the hallway.

I walked into the kitchen. Everything looked good.

I checked the living room and the bathroom. Everything was just fine. Looks like I wasn't awake during the transformation.

Then, I got a little suprise proving me wrong.

When I walked into the room, I took in everything and took a deep breath. I saw that my room was destroyed. My clothes were all over the floor and some of them were ripped into shreads. There were giant scratches all over the walls, the closet door was of the hinges, one of my dresser drawers were broken, and the window was broken. I sighed.

When I walked back to my bed and lifted up the covers, I jumped back a bit. There was a dead animal there, teared all over. I think it was a possum. I threw it in the garbage and walked back to my bed. Now I find possum blood all over my sheets.

"Great." I mumbled.

I dragged my finger along the trails of blood and placed it in my mouth. Wow I haven't had the taste of fresh blood in a long time and right now, there was no resisting.

I bent down and started licking up all the blood. I felt like a dog, but I didn't care. I started to rip through the cotton sheets and tear them, enjoying their bloody taste. After 10 minutes I was done.

"Bleh..." I gagged, spitting out the remaining pieces of cloth in my mouth.

I took off my pants with blood on them and put on jeans. After that, I went into the backyard to exercise.

Outside, I would usually do 3 hours of work. I would do pull ups on branches, push ups, box on trees, and a few other things.

While in the second half of the 3rd hour, I heard Grandmother yell my name. I sighed, jumped out the tree, and walked inside. I went into my room and sat on my bed as Grandmother walked into the room, put her hands on her hips, and sighed.

"Chresanto. Explanation. NOW." She said calmly.

"Look Grandmother I know its a mess and this is weird, but-"

"No!" She shouted. "Chresanto I know you have your little wolfish side, but this is ridiculous!"

"But Grandmother-"

"Chresanto this is no time for excuses! Every time you break something, I have to pay back for it! Money doesn't grow on trees you know!".

"Then don't pay-"

"This is just outrageous!" She yelled.

"You wouldn't even let me explain myself!" I shouted as I stomped past her into the living room.

She walked right in front of me and stood there. Oh my fucking god she's so stubborn.

"Well Chresanto! You want to explain? Go ahead!" She said.

"I had a transformation overnight ok! Sheesh! You think I can control these things all the fucking time! No! No I can't!" I yelled as I knocked over a glass vase.

It shattered on the ground and I stared at it.

"Well Chresanto! You did it again! This time, you had the choice to "control" it!"

That got to me. I picked her up by her collar and yanked her into the air. At first she started to scream and they slowly turned into coughs and gasps. I stared up at her with yellow eyes and my nostrils flared and her pale purple face stared down at me.

"Chresanto....." She choked up. "Y-you don't...... have to do thissss...... It Du-Duh-doesn't have to end this.......w-wuh-way...."

"You know what? You're so fucking right Grandmother." I agreed.

But she was. She's right. I DON'T want to to do this. I wanted to do something else. I wanted to end this the ORIGINAL way.

I dropped her on on the floor, letting her catch her breath for a few seconds. After that, I stood her up and shoved her on the couch. I stepped in front of the couch, standing in front of her while staring her down. She looked up at me. So much fright was in her eyes. I loved it.


I pointed a finger at her. "Shut the hell up."

She looked down, as if she were praying, while I walked around the couch, keeping my eyes on her. On my PREY.

"So you think its fucking easy being like this! HUH!? Every single day of my life thinking I don't fit in!! That there's nobody like me! That nobody goes through the same things!!! You've never had to handle those pro-"

"Yes I have Chresanto, I-"

"Bullfuck!" I screamed. "You liar! You lie to every fucking body!! Even you're own granddaughter!! What has she ever done to you!? She's innocent unlike some bitch I know!"

"I never lied to Rose!"

"Stop lying! I'm tired of it! She's obviously the only person that decided to love me for who I am..."

"I just never introduced you her! That doesn't mean-"


I stopped and stared at her with tears in my eyes. One dripped onto one of my furry arms. I probably only have a few minutes left as a human. I slowly turned around and saw my tail waving side to side slowly. Time's almost here.

"You're embarrassed of me aren't you?" I said softly.

"Chresanto, that's not what I-"

"Answer the damn question you asswipe!" I shouted.

"Chresanto, not everyone wants to be introduced to a werewolf!"

That's the real moment. I was just pissed the fuck off.

I jumped across the room and landed on top of her.


"Sshhhh..." I whispered.

I dragged my claw down her left arm. I watched as the blood slowly leaked on her arm. I licked it up as she shivered. Then, I started to talk softly in her ear.

"I'm gonna make this as possible. I want you to feel the beauty of all the pain. And especially learn your lesson. So no tears. Got it?"

She sighed and looked up at me.

"I'm sorry Chresanto."

I didn't give a shit.

I bit into her arm as she let out an ear bleeding scream. I ripped out a piece of flesh, enjoying the taste of the raw meat and blood.

Suddenly, the door slammed open. And no other than Rose stood there. I quickly turned around, still chewing on the meat. I dropped it on the floor and got off Grandmother as I held my blood covered hands out.

"Rose, I can-"

"Chresanto!!!" She screamed, tugging onto her red cape. "What the hell happened here!????!!"

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