Second Warning

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(3:30 pm, Rose's House)

I saw it. If it were real or not, I'll never know.

I was standing right in front of him. He was behind the bars, clutching on them and slowly looking up at me. My heart dropped when I saw him. I felt horrible. Was it really me who cause him to suffer like this?

I kept staring at him as he did the same, only with an unreadable look on his face. He didn't move or do anything. He just stood there. It was like he was frozen.

"What are you?" I whispered softly.

I put on a curious, yet scared look on my face as he didn't move. His body didn't shift nor did his face even twitch. He stayed exactly like that, gripping onto the jail bars and giving her an unreadable, emotionless look.

"Chresanto, speak to me." I whispered a bit louder.

Still nothing. No movement what so ever.


I slowly walked toward him breathing even more heavy with each step.

I finally made it to him as he still showed no movement. I reached my hand out slowly and softly placing it on his shoulder. He was stiff and extremely cold.


Suddenly, I heard a glass break. Well, not exactly break, but it cracked. I looked around and saw nothing. Then, I heard glass breaking, probably into a million pieces. I quickly looked at Chresanto and got a fright. Chresanto was a bunch of glass shattered pieces. I backed away. He was still in the same position, gripping the handle bars and emotionless look. I looked around the room and noticed it was also made of little shattered pieces of glass. I stiffened and got scared. How and why this happened, I didn't know. I started to take one step back, but as soon as I did, I felt the ground beneath my foot break. I brought my foot back up and turned around. I looked through the hole and saw little pieces of glass falling through utter blackness. I slowly and gently backed away from the hole. It took me about half a minute to put one foot down.

When I got back to Chresanto, I slowly put my finger out. I poked the glass and waited a few seconds. Nothing happened.

That's when it kicked in. Everything around me just fell. I watched all the glass shards fall as I faced foward again. I jumped back as Chresanto still stood there, only not made of glass. He gripped onto the air, since there was nothing else.

Then I looked down. There was no floor beneath me. Just blackness.

And that's when I fell.

I suddenly started breathing heavily. I looked around and saw small windows and a washing machine and a drying machine. I realized I was bending down, as if I were about to catch a football. I quickly stood up and smelled a bunch of lavender.

That's odd.

When I looked down, I saw a bunch of wet clothes all over the floor in front of me. I realized that I was in the middle of doing laundry and I accidently dropped the basket of clothes.

I also realized that I just zoned out. I had a vision about Chresanto. More like a dream.

"Or a nightmare." I whispered to myself.

I picked all the clothes up and threw them into the dryer. I sighed as I rubbed my temples.


I turned to the door and saw my mother standing there staring at me.

"Yes mother?"

She stood there, arms crossed and leaning against the door.

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