First Warning

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(9:00 am, Rose's House)

He fell next to me panting hard as I stared at him with half opened eyes. My body was to overloaded. I had just gotten so much that I felt like exploding. If I could, I'd wisk back in time and do it a million times over again.

"What the fuck did we just do?" He chucked.

I smiled and chuckled back at him.

"I'm guessing we just had sex, Chresanto."

He smiled, wrapped his arms around my waist, and buried his head into my shoulder. I smiled at the tickle of his hair on my neck. His kissed my neck and smiled against my neck.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I responded.

We sat in silence before he spoke up again.



"When are you going to come see me?"

I scrunched my eyebrows and stared at him.

"Excuse me?"

"When are you going to come see me?"

I smiled at his joke.

"I can see you right now Chresanto. Don't be ridiculous."

"Rose don't be silly. Wake up."

I stared at him.


"Wake up. Wake up..."

I jolted up in my bed, clutching on to my blankets. My hair was frizzy and all over the place, sticking to my face and I was sweating like crazy. I panted and stared at the wall for several minutes. I shook my head vigorously and took a deep breath.

Will this end?

(10:30 am, Unknown location)

The house phone started ringing. I ran downstairs to pick it up. Why!? Another problem

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello. What might you be doing today?"

I sighed in an annoyed tone at his stupid accent. It just reminded me of how cocky he was. I decided to lie.

"Man, I'm really busy today-"

"Doing what exactly?"

Damn it. Got my ass.

He awaited my answer while my head tried to come up with another lie. He started to chuckled while I clutched the phone roughly, angry that he out smarted me once again. Yet, I calmed down so he wouldn't sense my anger. Yeah. He does that.

"I hope you're not too "busy" to answer a question for me." He said smugly while my fists built up at the word busy.

"No. What question do you have for me?"

"Don't be jealous now. But I was thinking of asking Rose on a date. What do you think?"

My jaw clenched as the phone dropped. He knew what he was doing! He knew that's what I was going to do! But he's going to do it anyway.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked with my teeth gritted.

"Maybe because you don't have the "balls" to. So I'll do the job for you."

"You don't even like her! You just want her body!"

"Now, now. Calm down. I'm pretty sure you would like a good fuck too."

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