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(9:00 am, Rose's house)

Rose's POV

I was prepared today. I have no idea why I put so much work into his birthday, but for some reason I wanted to make it special. Something just told me to.

I got everything I needed. Tickets, metro cards, money. I'm kinda of wondering what convinced me to spend half of my savings on this. Nothing ever convinced to do something so crazy. Maybe I'm hypnotized.

I got everything I needed and walked out into the woods. I was still a bit frightened so I started to run. I'm supposed to meet Chresanto at 11 in the woods. He thinks that we're just gonna sit around and talk like we usually do. I had something much bigger in mind.

(10:00 am, Redlock Woods)

I'm going into the woods early in the morning to suprise visit my grandmother. I decided to visit her early so I'm not late to see Chresanto.

I kept on walking into the woods until I got to the bridge. I took a deep breath and walked across. This is the first time I'm walking across the forest without my cape. Instead, I had on a simple purple dress, purple sparkly flats, and a little black jacket that ended at the bottom of my chest and it was as well long sleeve. And of course i had my supplies and Chresanto's gift in my small little purse. I really hope it doesn't rain.

I walked up to the door and took a deep breath. I knocked and waited. I heard a familiar voice yell coming. Yet it wasn't my grandmother's.

The door opened and the person and I gasped as I dropped my purse.

The person stand there was-


(9:30 am, Rose's Grandmother's house)

Chresanto's POV

I stood there looking at my reflection in the long mirror. I have to admit, at least I looked ok. I'm not to sure if I could have done better though.

After I brushed my curls and had breakfast, I sat down and ran my fingers through my hair. I was soo worried that I would fuck up today. It was my 17th birthday today. 17. Wow I'm 17. I'm 17. Old enough to drive a car, get my own apartment. Sadly I can't do that. I can't do any of that. Not even graduate. I mean COME ON. I had no choice to drop out of second grade when I was 7. From there on, I've really known nothing.

What would Rose think of me if she found out?

What would she say?

Am I suppose to hide these feelings forever?

Just hide my past. It seems easy enough.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I found it very strange because rarely any people come here at this time.

"Coming!" I yelled.

Interrupting me in the middle of my thinking too. That pisses me off.

I walked up to the door and who was there really surprised me.


"What the fuck?" I said.

Oops. Didn't mean for that to slip out.

But why the hell was Rose here?

(10:01 am, Rose's Grandmother's house)

Rose's POV

What the heck?!! Why was Chresanto here?! Did something happen to my grandmother?

"Grandmother!!" I yelled.

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