Feeling found

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(12:00 pm, Rose's house)

Rose's POV

I closed the door as I stepped outside. I took a deep breath as I started to walked toward the woods with red my cape flying behind me. Day 8 of searching. Wow. And nothing to show except me coming home with a broken heart. I feel so depressed without the necklace. It was like a part of me. Now its like somebody ripped my heart out.

Last week, day 5, I almost resorted to cutting. Last week, day 4, I attempted to commit suicide be drowing myself, slicing my juggler vain, stabbing myself, blowing my brains out, and overdosing on pills. Last week, day 3, I shot down a pigeon out of anger. I'm losing my mind dammit! I have to get back my necklace! I've been going crazy I tell you!

Suddenly, I heard a twig snap. This is why I'm so quiet. I could be a victim of murder any minute! I started running like crazy, brushing my hands against trees and looking around for my necklace and possibly, people.

(1:31 pm, Redlock Woods)

I shoved my hands deeper in my pockets as I walked. I smiled as I felt the little leaf wrapped necklace in my pocket. It was so beautiful, yet I can't touch it for more than 5 minutes without my hand bursting into flames. It sucked to know that I can't admire and examine its beauty up close without hurting the hell out of myself.

I always wondered of seeing the city again, or even a street. I haven't seen those in 6 years and the images were almost wiped out my head. Buildings too. I have dreams of seeing all those buildings Grandmother's seen. The Empire State Building, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, The Hollywood Sign. All places Grandmother's taken pictures of and seen. Sadly, I don't think I'll ever see them. I don't have that money and everything else you'd need to board a plane. Chresanto August, Your life sucks.

Suddenly, I heard a twig snap. I don't know if it was me or not, but I started to run anyway. I always found it super cool that werewolvles run super fast, but right now, I just wanted to run at a regular human pace if that sounds correct in anyway at all.

Suddenly, I saw a figure appear. I ignored it until I ran into something and stumbled back. My eyes hurt as rubbed them. Stupid tree. Then I looked on the floor as I saw two eyes look up at me in horror.

Why must I be so hideous?

(1:43 pm, Redlock Woods)

I ran into something as I fell on the floor. Oooohhh...... my butt really hurt. I felt a presence come above me as I rubbed my eyes.

Is this really the end? Is this how I die?

I looked up slowly with tears streaming down my face as my eyes widened in horror. This....This...... This MAN stood there in silence with a slightly annoyed look on his face. I started to back up fast until my back hit a tree. The man's face softened as he looked at me. I examined his face as I realized he was a boy. Around my age too. Still I wasn't taking any chances. I slowly lifted my arm up to my face with the little bit of energy I had left in me.

"Wait!" the person yelled.

I let my arm stay there as if it were a shield. Funny that he was standing 5 feet away though.

"Ummm....I'm sorry if I bothered you or ran into you. Do you need some help? You look hurt." he said in a concerned way.

"No..." I whispered as my voice came out raspy and weak. God, Why did I always run into trouble? And Literally this time?

He started to speak again.

"Please let me help you Miss. It was my fault you are on that floor now. It's the least I can do."

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