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(12:00 Pm, Redlock Woods)

Rose's POV

I started to walk into the woods with a big smile on my face and my red cape floating behind me. I was really excited to see Chresanto today.

This was weird for me because I haven't been this happy since.......

Actually I don't remember being this happy ever since my dad died.

For the past 3 weeks, I went into the forest to see Chresanto and he was always happy to have me there. We laughed, cried, and talked. I was able to let go when I was with him. I had no worries and everything was carefree.

I kept walking until I heard faint whistling. I smiled and shouted.


"ROSE?!" He shouted back.



20 feet wait what? That's strange.


I walked over to where he said and I saw him standing there with his arms opened. I smiled and gave him a hug just when the butterflies again filled my my stomach, but for some reason, I realized they were quite pleasant. They made me feel happy inside.

I stayed in his arms for a long time. This is a thing we did. His arms were so warm, comforting, and protective. Like nothing can come between us.

While we were telling jokes a couple hours later, I decided to ask him a question.

"Chresanto, when is your birthday?" I interrupted.

He looked at me, looked down, and started scratching his neck.

"Actually, its tommorow. July 23rd.... I was wondering if you would come visit me tommorrow." He said as he started blushing.

"Of course! Who are you celebrating with?"

"Nobody." He said frowning.

I frowned because he was sad. I never liked it when he was sad.

"You make it look like you don't want me here....." I whined.

He pulled me into a big hug, lifted my chin up with his pointing finger, and smiled big.

"I always want you here with me Rose. Don't forget that. Ok?"

I felt myself turning tomato red as I nodded and smiled hard.

"Ok." I murmured.

"Good." He said.

"Chresanto, is there anything you ever really wanted to do?" I asked.

"I've always wanted to go see the city. No! Wait, the Statue of Liberty!"

"I hope you get there one day."

"Yeah, me too." He said as he looked down.

"I've also always wanted to taste city food." He cheesed. "Pizza, soda, slushies, hot dogs......"

I laughed. I couldn't believe he never tasted those.

"Have you ever tasted those?" He asked.

"Yes." I giggled.

"How do they taste?"

I laughed at his question as he blushes.

"Stop it." He murmured.

"Chresanto, it's ok!" I said. "The slushies taste like frozen fruits. The pizza taste like bread with lots of cheese on it. The soda tastes like lemons, limes, grapes, oranges, strawberries, different flavors. The hot dogs just taste like meat on bread I guess."

When I described the hot dog to him, he started to drool and stare into space with a dazed look. I waved my hand and snapped my fingers in his face. Finally, I smacked him.

"Huh!?" He said.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing." He smiled.

I loved his smiled. Then I looked at my phone. It was 7:41. My mother wanted me to help her cook dinner tonight. I looked at Chresanto and hugged him.

"I have to go. My mom wants me home."

"Awwww.... You're leaving me here alone?" He whined.

He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and stuck his bottom lip out. Stop looking Rose, stop looking.

"Yes, I'll be back for your birthday ok? Dress nice! Not a suit and tie though."

I hugged him one last time, ran back to my house, and jumped on my laptop. I'm gonna give Chresanto one of the best birthdays of his life.

(8:20 pm, Redlock Woods)

Chresanto's POV

I sighed and I smiled. I hope this birthday turns out good. For once.

I got up, ran back home, and looked in my closet. I wonder what she meant by nice if its not with a suit. That's what my parents taught me.

I jumped in my bed and happily sighed. She was such a nice girl. I can't have her though. She'll never want me if she new the real me. Who wants to be with such a creature though? I sighed deeply as Grandmother walked in.

"Chres, dinner is ready." She said.

"Ok." I mumbled.

I jumped next to her and we walked to the table. I say down and picked at my food as she looked at me. I wasn't eating my meat so she knew something was wrong.

"Chresanto, what happened dear?" She asked.

I looked down.

"What do you do if you like somebody you know and you want to make them yours?" I asked.

"My god! Do you want a girlfriend, Chresanto? Is that what this is about?"

"A what?"

"A girlfriend is the girl in a relationship."

"I guess. Kinda. I like a girl and I want to make her my girlfriend. How do I do that?"

"What girl?"

"Her name is Rose. She's the most beautiful girl ever and she had the prettiest voice you'll ever hear. She's perfect."

"That's odd. My granddaughter's name is Rose."

"You mean the one I have to get out the house so you can see?"

"Now don't look at it that way, Chresanto. She's just not used to newcomers."

I sighed.

"So what do I do when I want to make her my girlfriend?"

"Just ask her Chres"

"But when!?"

"When your heart tells you to."

"I have no idea what the fuck that means, but ok."

"It will come."

"She's coming to the woods to see me tommorrow."

"You better take pictures for me!"

I laughed.

"I will." I said.

I quickly ate my food, gave Grandmother a kiss on the cheek, ran to my room, and jumped on my bed smiling.

I'll ask her tommorrow and she has to say yes because it's my birthday.


But who wants to date a werewolf with the knowledge of a 2nd grader?

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