Final Strike

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(12:00 pm, County Jail)

Chresanto's POV

I dropped the chalk and high fived my jail cell roommate, Big Mike. He gave me dab as I hugged him back.

"You did it man." He said as he gave me a slap on the back. "You're almost out of here."

"Yeah..." I chuckled. "Only another month now."

"When were you thrown in the slammer again?"

I thought back to when the police took me to the juvenile detention center for the first time.

"17 years. I was transfered here at 18. I'm 20 now."

"Yeah I remember. You weren't too scrawny when you first came here either."

I thought back to the day I first came to the jail house. I was tripped and when I flashed the dude an angry look, everything just led into a fight. Suprisingly, I beat him.

"Yeah. I hated that day."

"Probably the worst day of your life, huh?"

I laughed.

"No way. I've had way worse days then that day. Trust me when I say that."

He sat up and kissed his teeth.

"Man, like what?"

I flipped over to face the wall beside my bunk and bit my lip.

"Can't really talk about it."

There was a few seconds of silence, then he spoke again.

"Well when you get out of here, you better go get your life together. That's all I can tell you. I've already wasted 7 years in here. Better go get a job, house, and a fine lady. Shit. I know that's what Imma do when I get out. Find me a nice lil lady."

A fine lady.


He kissed his teeth again.

"Nobody got time for her man. Move on. That bitch is probably fucking with someone else now. I mean, she didn't even come to see you. Kinda girlfriend is that? After almost 3 years? Not worth your time."

He shook his head, but I just kept facing the wall. I knew he was right in a few ways. But I couldn't let go. Rose was like my everything. There was no way to decrsibe how I felt about her. It's like Cloud 9 thinking about her.

"I can't believe your still wooing over her man."

That's when the bell rang. The officers came to the bars, taking out the keys and opening it up.

"Lunchtime. 15 minutes to eat today."

Mike and I got up and as soon as my foot step out the cell, that's when it came.

When the image of Rose flashed through my head.

(5:00pm, Rose's House)

Rose's POV

I fixed my locket in the mirror as I looked at myself. It wasn't bad. I fixed the belt around my waist and looked again. I've never worn a belt this large.

I had on a deep blue spaghetti strap dress with a huge belt around the waist. My shoes were blue small flats. My mother did my make up, but only a bit. I had on some blush and lip gloss, as well as some mascara. There was a blue velvet bow in my hair and a silver bangle around my wrist and then there came my locket.

I knew it was a bit much for my taste, but it was quite impeessing as I did a 360° to look over my outfit. My mom was happy as well. She keeps asking if I want to go again anytime soon. I might just take up on her offer sometime.

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