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(5:00 pm, Unknown Location)

Jacob's POV

I threw in a few more thrusts until I felt myself climax into the condom. I pulled out, zipped up my pants, and threw it away.

I laid back down on the bed next to her as she peacefully slept. She was bound to the bed with duct tape over her mouth. She hadn't woke up during my little sex session. I looked down and saw the red liquid running down from her leg as she stayed put. I felt a pinch of remorse for her, but quickly got over it.

I gently stroked her cheek and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

This is what I do with every girl I have. This is my routine.

So why did I feel a slight bit of guilt?

It was probably because of all the effort and work I had to put into this to actually get what I wanted out of it.

So I decided to ignore it. I walked out the room and went downstairs to the boss' office. I took a seat and waited for him to address me.

"Young Jacob..." He spun around in his chair to face me. "Have you gotten you're.... Little bit of pleasure?"



He whistled and watched as the 2 watchmen walked into the room.

"Go and get her. He's finished his business. Bring her down to the back room in the basememt. We'll be there in a few. Then, we will start."

They walked out the room. 5 minutes later, I saw one of the carrying Rose flung over his shoulder. Her clothes were put back on and her handcuffs were removed off of her wrists and ankles. She was still asleep.

The guilt rushed back through me as we sat in silence.

He motioned for me to come and I got up to follow him. It almost took us 5 minutes to get to the room because of the extremely large size of the building.

We walked into the room and they sat Rose down in a small chair, and handcuffed her to it. They put more duct tape over her mouth.

And we waited.

(8:20 pm, Unknown location)

Everything in the forest was quiet and for now, all you could hear was the chirping of the the crickets.

Well, maybe there was one other thing awake.


The wolf picked up its paw and saw the squished cricket on it. It growled and looked at the tree that it was standing next to it. A squirrel was peacefully resting inside. The wolf quickly snatched it out the tree and before it had the chance to scurry away, the wolf quickly took a bite out of it, ending its life. As it ate the small snack, a smell went through the wolf's nose. Actually a quite familiar smell.

It slowly walked in the smells direction, looking for the location the smell was coming from. It suddenly got stronger and the wolf started running toward it. It ran out the forest and continued until it was on a an abandoned road. And finally it approached the building that stood at the end of the road.

(8:30 pm, Unknown Location)

Rose's POV

I started to cough as water was thrown on me. Another splash came onto me as shook my head and tried to adjust to the little bit of light in the room.

Where was I?

I was sitting down I know. My wrists and ankles and as something latched onto them. My neck was tight and my body felt numb. But most of all was the there was an excruciating pain between my legs. I felt like spurting out blood from down there.

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