What are you?

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1 week later...

(Rose's House, 8:30 pm)

I grabbed my purse off the back of my bedroom door and trotted down the stairs angrily. Chresanto was keeping secrets from me and I didn't like it one bit. Girlfriends and boyfriends don't keep secrets from each other, right. Well in my brain they're not suppose to. I don't even know me and Chresanto are together anymore. In my head we are.

I frowned at the thought and shook my head. I thought of going back to school next week. Back where everything was normal. Then, I thought of Chresanto waiting outside at the moment. I know I just can't leave him out there waiting. We were going to go pick up my grandmother at the moment. He was just as excited to bring her home as I was.

I stepped outside and motioned Chresanto to get up. He growled and stood up. Yeah, growled. What the heck is this boy? Is his name even Chresanto? Is he from this planet? Is he even human?

"Maybe he's just mad about something." I thought to myself. "You never know."

"You never know what?" He said.

Man. I said that out loud?

"About the people you meet in this world. There's so many secrets that one could hold." I responded.

And now I regret saying that.

He started to punch a nearby tree, leaving a crack or dent in it every time he punched. What is he? Supernatural maybe?

"Why does everybody fucking think that!?" He growled.

"I don't know?" I said innocently. "What does everybody think about. you?"

"Fuck it." He said as he shoved me out of his way.

I stared at him in shock as I got in the driver's seat. I shot him a look of disgust.

We drove to the hospital and sat in the waiting room for two hours before seeing my grandmother. When see finally walked in, Chresanto jumped up from his seat and bear hugged him. She held her arm, indicating that he was squeezing her to tight and it was hurting her. He slowly let go and stared at her arm. I shifted my eyes towards what he was looking at. A cast. There was a blue and white cast and sling around her arm. He scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion and prepared to speak.

"Umm... Grandmother?"

"Yes sweetheart?" She replied.

"What the heck is that thing around your arm?" He asked.

"Why its just a little cast and sling. Nothing to worry about. It helps protect my arm until it gets better."


I couldn't help, but to giggle at his confusion. It was cute. His adorable confusion is one thing that made me attracted to him in the first place. Wait....

I shook my head to remove the thought from my brain. Ridiculous to even think I fell for him.

I walked over to my grandmother and gave her a warm hug as a tear escaped from my eye. Its hard to imagine that she was hurt in the first place. Its even harder to imagine the idiot who cause this mess was standing right next to me. My grandmother wiped away my tear and pulled me closer. I stayed in her arms for a few minutes just remembering all the good times I've ever shared with her.

I sighed and pulled away from her. She gave me a small smile.

"Don't worry Rose. I'll be fine. Trust me!"

I gave her one more hug before Chresanto started to help her out the building while I signed her out. I rushed to the car were they were waiting for me. I got in and drove down back to my house. Once we got there, we had a silent walk to my grandmother's house. Nobody dared speak or cut the awkwardness between us.There was tension in between me and Chresanto and I didn't like it one bit.

Little Red Riding What!? (Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now